
The Sims fans, web servers prepare for SimsSkinsTutorial download

Kleine opmerking: Ik ben op het moment druk aan het werk aan de nieuwe site. Ik wil de site echter niet helemaal offline halen, dus je kunt alles nog gewoon bekijken. Maar de werkzaamheden kunnen er wel voor zorgen dat sommige pagina's er een beetje raar uitzien. Het zal niet heel lang meer duren. Happy
woensdag, september 15, 1999 - 23:00

By Tex Chure.
With headphones cocked on either ear and Kraftwerk blaring in the background, Sean Baity was in good company Tuesday.
The SimShow preparedness director and officials from all three groups that serve The Sims jostled last-minute preparations before powerful barrels through the internet early next week.
"We're hoping for the best tutorial for making skins and preparing for upload," spokesman Jeff Charvat said. The SimWatch news letter serves 300 customers directly in Berkeley, Georgetown and various other counties in 38 countries through website cooperatives. In addition, the news will be posted on all available message boards.
"People need to understand that after the tutorial, there will be a lot of skins on the sites," assistant producer Sean Baity said. "Don't take it for granted that the lines are not hot just because you think the power is off...Oh wait a minute....I mean that it is a step by step tutorial with lots of pictures in HTML format."
People who want to make skins but are mystified by the process should download the tutorial and follow the examples. Its as simple as downloading the zip file and extracting it to a directory.
"You just point and double click on the TheSims Skin Tutorial.htm file and it just opens," said one astounded tester. "Its like...SO easy."

Available here: Download Sim Skins Tutorial
