
Nieuwsarchief - 2000

Kleine opmerking: Ik ben op het moment druk aan het werk aan de nieuwe site. Ik wil de site echter niet helemaal offline halen, dus je kunt alles nog gewoon bekijken. Maar de werkzaamheden kunnen er wel voor zorgen dat sommige pagina's er een beetje raar uitzien. Het zal niet heel lang meer duren. Happy

MaxisWaylon has written a help file for those of you making scenarios. It addresses some of the major problems users have when making a scenario. This very helpful file is available in the Tips and Tricks section.

Go to Tips and Tricks

MaxisJoseph has dug into his bag of tricks again and released a treat for all of you!

Go to Building Architect Plus Downloads

The Spooky Halloween Contest has ended, winners will be posted next week! Just in time for Halloween!

For Halloween, we created a special new object for your Sims. Download the Jack-O-Lantern and set the stage for one killer of a party.

We carved you a pumpkin for Halloween! Download it and add just the right touch to your Sims' Halloween night.
Download Jack-O-Lantern (215 Kb)

The Miami Herald just caught on to The Sims. Check out this story from Friday's issue!

Go To Miami Herald story

It's the time of year for things that go -bump- in the night. Our Halloween family album contest should really bring the creepy-crawlies out of hiding!

Go To SimDay Events

"Riesenrad" (Giant Wheel) is a world famous landmark found in Vienna, Austria. This "Wheel" is a striking silhouette in this capital city and will be a great embellishment to any of your favorite SimCity cityscapes. If you would like to spice up the entertainment of your city this is the landmark for you. This plug-in and more can be found in the Maxis Downloads section of the SimCity Exchange.

Go to Landmarks

Just a reminder that there is only 1 week left in our "Spooky Halloween Building Contest". Check out the rules for more details.

GameSpot has been running a regular feature on TechTV in the GameSpot TV section called "SimSpot TV". The latest episode was written by Will Wright himself!

Go to SimSpot TV

We've got a fun new way to handle that clown who just won't leave. Stop by our Get Cool Stuff area and download the Clown Catchers!

Clown Catchers
When all else fails, these experts can take care of your little "clown problem" in a friendly, professional manner.
Download Clown Catchers (1.3 Mb)

