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House Party Producer Chat
MaxisAndrea says, Welcome to the first of the House Party Developer Chats.
MaxisAndrea says, It is great to see such a large number of chatters today.
MaxisAndrea says, And away we go!
MaxisJenna says, suddenly wishes she had cheetah chat
MaxisAndrea presents the speaker with question #69 from Radetsky:
Will there be any new and more shocking costumes?
MaxisJenna says, Oh my gosh! Totally
MaxisJenna says, well, lots of new anyway....and perhaps a few shocking
MaxisAndrea presents the speaker with question #8 from Radetsky:
are their going to be any new non-playable characters?
MaxisJenna says, yes there are more than 4 and less than 15 new NPC's
MaxisAndrea presents the speaker with question #23 from Stk992:
Will time slow down during the parties?
MaxisJenna says, no, i don't think so
MaxisAndrea presents the speaker with question #11 from Stk992:
What new animations will there be in House Party?
MaxisJenna says, yes, hundreds of new animations
MaxisJenna says, maybe i can't say hundreds...
MaxisJenna says, well, lots anyway
MaxisAndrea says, can you give one example Jenna or Sean?
MaxisJenna says, sure....there is a new dance floor and with it come many new dance animations
MaxisAndrea presents the speaker with question #85 from Radetsky:
Are their going to be any new houses?
MaxisJenna says, i don't think we are doing any new houses
MaxisJenna says, the users do such great ones
MaxisJenna says, they are hard to top
MaxisJenna says,
MaxisAndrea presents the speaker with question #14 from Stk992:
How long have you been working on House Party?
MAXISean says, I've been writing for about a month off and on
MaxisJenna says, seems like forever.....but its only been since the end of last year
MaxisAndrea presents the speaker with question #18 from Stk992:
What is your favorite thing about House Party?
MAXISean says, The best thing is that ridiculous cake
MaxisJenna says, wow...tough one....I love alot about house party....
MAXISean says, with the "dancer" inside
MaxisAndrea presents the speaker with question #98 from Stk992:
Who comes out of the surprise cake?
MaxisJenna says, Surprises!
MaxisAndrea presents the speaker with question #59 from mehaf:
will the Sims be in charge of the turntables or will there be a dj?
MAXISean says, But the mechanical bull from ToroTek is great too
MaxisJenna says, Sims will Dj at the turntables
MAXISean says, The turntable was designed by DJ Z-Buffer
MaxisAndrea presents the speaker with question #5 from questionchic:
Can the punch be spiked??
MaxisJenna says, hahaha
MAXISean says, "spiked?" no comprendo
MaxisJenna says, not familiar with the term
MAXISean says, I'm not familiar with any terms that prevent us from getting a teen rating...
MaxisJenna says, hahaha
MaxisAndrea presents the speaker with question #10 from questionchic:
Will the exotic dancers promote jealousy?
MAXISean says, "Exotic dancers/" there are "entertainers" but I don't know if they are "exotic"
MAXISean says,
MaxisAndrea presents the speaker with question #107 from Kelley111:
Do you need The Sims and Livin' Large to run House Party?
MaxisJenna says, Just the Sims
MaxisJenna says, you don't need Livin Large
MAXISean says, Just need the Sims, but you can install it on LL too
MaxisAndrea presents the speaker with question #3 from Christine2004:
Will there be any objects not related to parties in the pack?
MAXISean says, Yeah sort of, I mean you can take any of the elements from these party themes and use them alone
MAXISean says, but add them all up and you have super-theme parties
MaxisJenna says, Yes, we included new chairs and other new objects etc
MAXISean says, there is a lot of Cowboy and western items, but you can just use them for a rodeo instead of a square dance
MaxisJenna says, exactly
MAXISean says, Plus a lot of the Rave /Goth/industrial party stuff is like warehouse architecture or freaky '60's stuff
MAXISean says, like furry shag carpets
MaxisAndrea presents the speaker with question #103 from mjmcp:
Will there be new faces and skins?
MaxisJenna says, Yes, quite a few new skins in the costume trunk
MAXISean says, TOGA!
MaxisAndrea says, Next question is for Sean
MaxisJenna says, oh man
MAXISean says, hmm?
MaxisAndrea presents the speaker with question #20 from Stk992:
Can you give us a description of the Psycho Mime?
MaxisJenna says, hahaha
MAXISean says, Actually...Jenna needs to answer that
MaxisAndrea says, I was just playing with you Sean. After all you were the voice of the tragic clown in Livin Large?
MAXISean says, hahahahaa
MaxisJenna says, well, he wears a beret and slippers
MaxisJenna says, he also has suspenders and a stripped shirt
MAXISean says, So a really French mime
MaxisJenna says, oh...and he wears makeup
MAXISean says, how annoying
MAXISean says, does he imitate people?
MAXISean says, I hope so
MaxisJenna says, he does some of the quality actions we know and love mimes to do
MAXISean says, I'll bet we get requests for the "Mime busters" ;o)
MaxisAndrea presents the speaker with question #46 from SDPoetGirl:
How many new objects will there be?
MaxisJenna says, we are quoting "over 100" new objects...
MaxisAndrea presents the speaker with question #95 from Stk992:
How will you be able to hire the caterers?
MaxisJenna says, Call them on the phone
MaxisJenna says, of course
MAXISean says, But I think you need the catering table in house right?
MAXISean says, and the punch bowl?
MaxisJenna says, Well....not really
MAXISean says, oh cool..I didn't know that
MAXISean says, even better
MaxisAndrea presents the speaker with question #67 from Stk992:
Will House Party, in your opinion, add more to the game than Livin' Large?
MAXISean says, I think it will add different stuff
MAXISean says, hard to compare
MaxisJenna says, well....if you don't have any of the objects that the caterer interacts with, you might be wasting your money to hire him.
MAXISean says, Living large was really wacked, while this pack has far more story telling and social building elements
MAXISean says, it brings Sims together more
MAXISean says, which is the hardest part of the game
MAXISean says, the turn table stand makes it all worthwhile
MaxisAndrea presents the speaker with question #391 from Rebelflt:
How would the dance floor work with a DJ?
MaxisJenna says, The music that the DJ plays affects the dance that happen on the dance floor
MaxisJenna says, pretty cool stuff
MAXISean says, so do they breakdance?
MaxisJenna says, mmmmmaybe
MAXISean says, Word
MaxisAndrea presents the speaker with question #440 from MBScully99:
If they are having a party will the guests still go home around 1 am or will they stay longer?
MAXISean says, There is no change to when they leave
MaxisJenna says, all parties must come to an end
MAXISean says, although maybe we should make the dance floor last all night
MAXISean says, we could change that I bet
MaxisAndrea presents the speaker with question #509 from Jacensoloz:
Will the personality of a Sim create different party effects?
MaxisJenna says, Different personality are attracted to different party objects and in some cases...
MaxisJenna says, different personalities or skill will get very different results
MaxisAndrea presents the speaker with question #669 from Sunbonnet:
Will they square dance?
MAXISean says, Thas rat, them Sims done gonna get down on that ho down flo n' dance square-style you bet.
MaxisJenna says, There is a new charisma object and a new body object
MaxisJenna says, i can't remember if there are others
MaxisAndrea presents the speaker with question #581 from Jacensoloz:
What Exotic Dancer will come to your house? Male or Female? Does it have to do with the Sim's gender?
MaxisJenna says, You have to hire the dancer...they don't just show up...
MAXISean says, Well if a child is present they don't get an adult dancer...they will get a "kiddie suprise"
MaxisJenna says, you can select Male or Female....and sometimes you get surprises
MaxisAndrea presents the speaker with question #950 from starzgrl_2000:
is house party more fun than living large?
MaxisJenna says, I THINK SO
MaxisJenna says, but I'm biased
MAXISean says, Hard to put a measure on fun...just as goofy!
MAXISean says, Getting the caterer and mime in the room at the same time with the mechanical bull will be a riot
MAXISean says, man we should get the caterer to RIDE that bull...same with tragic clown
MaxisAndrea says, Now that is a house party.
MaxisAndrea presents the speaker with question #860 from Jacensoloz:
What are the styles Luau & Rave?
MaxisJenna says, yes, we've got a luau, rave and cowboy theme
MaxisAndrea presents the speaker with question #1028 from The_Quantum_Computer:
Can you import your own music into a file that the DJ will play?
MAXISean says, a regular stereo you can drop your own hip hop tunes into turn table
MAXISean says, "Turntablitz...when you're itching to scratch."
MaxisAndrea presents the speaker with question #970 from fuzball:
Will Sims be able to order Chinese food ever?
MaxisAndrea says, I have not heard anything about your Sims being able to order Chinese food. Sorry.
MAXISean says, EVER? that is possible at some's not in HP tho
MaxisAndrea presents the speaker with question #963 from Rebelflt:
How long did it take to make the Original Sims program?
MAXISean says, & years in design 4 years of one programmer, 2 years full programming
MAXISean says, oops 7 years design
MaxisJenna says, yikes
MAXISean says, Will was working on it since Sim Ant
MAXISean says, it used to all be on a Mac
MaxisAndrea says, Here is a question for you both
MaxisAndrea presents the speaker with question #1002 from Jammoses:
How did you get chosen to work on House Party
MaxisJenna says, I was dragged kicking and screaming onto house party
MAXISean says, Well I was the write on Sims and LL so I naturally wanted to work on HP too. I love doing the writing
MaxisJenna says, But now I'm super happy to be here!
MAXISean says, even tho I kant spel
MaxisJenna says, Really! I swear
MaxisAndrea presents the speaker with question #1296 from ancientscribe:
Besides square-dancing, what kind of dance styles will the Sims be able to do?
MaxisJenna says, They will dance to music like , disco, rap, techno, country western, luau...all kinds of stuff
MAXISean says, no mosh pit?
MaxisJenna says,
MAXISean says, hmmm "next" expansion pack I guess
MaxisAndrea presents the speaker with question #759 from Rebelflt:
Where'd the Llama joke start?
MaxisJenna says, one day a llama wandered in to our office
MaxisJenna says, so we hired it
MAXISean says, You know, WE don't even has been in every game from Maxis I can remember
MAXISean says, but we have to keep the Llama legend alive
MaxisAndrea says, Llamas, gnomes we got it all at Maxis.
MAXISean says, although...I think the guinea pig may take over...or the clown
MaxisAndrea presents the speaker with question #1356 from Butterfly929:
Will you have to call all your friends separately and invite them to the parties or what?
MaxisJenna says, We are working on a "mass invite"
MaxisAndrea presents the speaker with question #1156 from CHB2001:
What are some of the objects that come with the Rave theme?
MaxisJenna says, hmmm....a lot of industrial stuff
MaxisJenna says, to build warehouse type environments
MaxisJenna says, lots of neon
MaxisJenna says, textures
MaxisJenna says, lots of lighting
MAXISean says, lots of industrial floors like cement and rubber plus walls like furry orange carpts
MAXISean says, inflatable furniture
MaxisAndrea presents the speaker with question #1324 from erinne:
Is there a maximum amount to the people you can have at one party?
MaxisJenna says, I don't think there is a limit...but we'll probably find out once we start testing
MaxisAndrea presents the speaker with question #1333 from Dron_Smith:
Can you add things to the costume trunk?
MaxisJenna says, we are hoping to allow you to replace the costumes to make your own sets....
MaxisJenna says, but we are still working on it
MaxisAndrea presents the speaker with question #1439 from The_Chemistry_Set:
Will we be able to teleport house party families to the exchange
MaxisJenna says, i would think so
MaxisJenna says, shouldn't be a problem
MaxisAndrea presents the speaker with question #1251 from mjmcp:
if you have downloaded stuff offline, will it affect house party?
MAXISean says, No it should not effect anything
MaxisAndrea presents the speaker with question #1085 from Truffles:
Can Sims get drunk at parties?
MAXISean says, Sims don't drink...although there is a rave oxygen bar in HP
MAXISean says, well "what" they drink is up to your imagination
MAXISean says, there are two new bars in HP and a punch bowl with "certain" side effects
MAXISean says, but no alcohol...\
MaxisAndrea presents the speaker with question #1528 from mswick:
(Will jealousy be a problem at the Sim parties?)
MaxisJenna says, perhaps
MAXISean says, Let's just say that extended parties with punch bowls get interesting....
MaxisAndrea presents the speaker with question #1482 from touchofgray555:
What kind of Luau stuff will there be?
MAXISean says, there is a new luau bbq and lots of furniture you might find on say a deserted island
MaxisAndrea presents the speaker with question #1638 from The_Chemistry_Set:
Will there be Disco Balls and Strobe Lights?
MAXISean says, Yep dance floor strobe lights that rotate
MaxisAndrea presents the speaker with question #1443 from kgUrlie:
With all of these things, like the exotic dancer, will House Party have a teen rating?
MaxisJenna says, Yes, we expect a T rating
MaxisAndrea presents the speaker with question #1584 from erinne:
With the 'mass invite' idea, what if you don't want children to be there? Or someone your Sim doesn't like? What if you wanted to exclude someone from mass invite? Will that be an option?
MaxisJenna says, We are still working on the mass invite...i don't have the specifics yet
MaxisAndrea presents the speaker with question #991 from rockbounce2000:
I heard something about the ability to make dance floors. Can you elaborate?
MaxisJenna says, there are dance floor can place as many as you'd like to make a dance floor area
MAXISean says, Oh I thought they said make out on the dance floor
MaxisAndrea presents the speaker with question #597 from YeungLeon:
Will the objects from Livin' Large be in House Party?
MaxisJenna says, No, not all.....
MAXISean says, the careers will be included
MaxisAndrea presents the speaker with question #397 from deltaflyer709:
Will there be more walls and floors?
MAXISean says, tons more
MaxisJenna says, yes, lots more walls and floors
MaxisAndrea presents the speaker with question #660 from mattvols:
What is your favorite object on House Party?
MaxisJenna says, I like the blowfish...maybe
MaxisJenna says, I haven't seen it yet...but I might like it best
MAXISean says, I think I changed my mind...I really like the the Super Schloppr Bubble Blower
MaxisAndrea presents the speaker with question #1166 from imablonde:
My biggest problem with parties previously was timing, by the time I called all my friends and greeted them all, I felt like it was 1 Am, leaving very little time for the party, does house party do anything to help with the time issue like maybe being able to call all of your friends at the same time?
MaxisJenna says, Yes...we are working on a mass invite...
MaxisJenna says, no details available yet
MaxisAndrea presents the speaker with question #695 from The_Chemistry_Set:
Will the contest skins be included in the game, the winner ones?
MaxisJenna says, Perhaps
MaxisAndrea presents the speaker with question #222 from DrOmango:
Jenna, Mind if you tell us what object you made last night at 2:30 am
MAXISean says, 2:30? ouch
MaxisJenna says, hmmmm....well, its obviously very new in design, so I hate to say too much....
MaxisJenna says, let's just say it's a new NPC
MaxisAndrea presents the speaker with question #248 from david_shiponi:
Would you say your work is hard or fun? which more?
MAXISean says, Oh man I don't know about this one! What is it?
MAXISean says, Work is really fun hard work
MaxisJenna says, My work is Fun, just plain fun
MaxisJenna says, till 3 in the morning funn
MaxisJenna says, stay here all night fun
MAXISean says, I've been cursing this one .ini file all week
MaxisJenna says, give me more I can take it fun
MaxisJenna says, tons and tons and tons of fun
MaxisAndrea says, Jenna works on that fun house party side of the building.
MaxisAndrea presents the speaker with question #196 from Stk992:
Will you be able to get rid of the Psycho Mime with the Clown Catchers?
MaxisJenna says, I don't think so....but you will have ways to get rid of the mime....
MaxisAndrea presents the speaker with question #240 from mehaf:
Will there be any more food available in the new pack? My sim is getting hungry
MAXISean says, You get the turkey, the cookies and cake from the web site
MaxisJenna says, the buffet table is BEAUTIFUL
MaxisJenna says, absolutly smashing!
MAXISean says, you can smash the buffet table?
MaxisAndrea presents the speaker with question #229 from Thursday1977:
Is there anything that you have desperately wanted to see in this game, but has for whatever reason, technical or otherwise, has not been possible thus far; and of course, if so, what is the "thing", and what has been the barrier?
MAXISean says, great question
MaxisJenna says, hmmm...Terrific question
MAXISean says, In fact new types of food and 4 legged animals would be at the very top of my list
MaxisJenna says, HAHAH I remember....the game closet!
MAXISean says, 4 legged animals are not possible due to animation engine
MAXISean says, new food is really hard to do as a lot of the food chain is "hard coded" and programming it is really painful
MaxisJenna says, I wanted an object that came with lots of party game each that improved different skills....but there was not enough time
MAXISean says, I wish we could introduce cooking a new way,,let people add spices and time the cooking and follow recipes
MAXISean says, and make really complex meals or more simple ones
MAXISean says, or make just AWFUL food they spit out heheheh
MaxisAndrea presents the speaker with question #270 from mehaf:
Will the caterer be able interact with fellow Sims like Servo?
MaxisJenna says, The caterer interacts with your party guests
MaxisJenna says, or i should say..."the catarer MAY interact with our party guests"
MaxisAndrea presents the speaker with question #2270 from ancientscribe:
Is a pool party an option?
MaxisJenna says, Pool stuff was another thing on the list that, due to technical reason, we had to leave alone
MaxisJenna says, but the luau stuff will dress up the area around you pool and make for a great pool party
MAXISean says, We used to have the pool turn green if you didn't clean it or use the pool got chopped at last minute due to technical reasons
MaxisAndrea presents the speaker with question #2478 from Ozkid22:
When people go to parties do they automatically come dressed for the ordeal or do they change clothes when they arrive? Any info regarding this?
MaxisJenna says, Thats what the costume trunk is for!
MaxisJenna says, it gets everyone at your party in proper attire for the event
MaxisAndrea presents the speaker with question #2482 from Pilky2001:
Will the maid get down on the dance floor?
MaxisJenna says, not unless you dress you Sim as the maid
MaxisAndrea presents the speaker with question #2424 from Archon5087:
What do you think is the best and most significant item in House Party?
MAXISean says, I like the teleporter,,,,
MaxisJenna says, i like the cornstalk
MaxisAndrea presents the speaker with question #2136 from SimMasterFranco:
In the rave theme, do Sims have glow sticks?
MaxisJenna says, we are working on glow sticks for when they are on the dance floor...put they need they're hands free when walking around
MaxisAndrea presents the speaker with question #2516 from mjmcp:
Can Sims invite Sims from other neighborhoods, or do they live in an alternate dimension
MaxisJenna says, i believe it will be Sims from the same neighborhood
MaxisAndrea presents the speaker with question #351 from questionchic:
whats the cursed tiki mask?
MaxisJenna says, ask sean?
MAXISean says, Cursed? Who said anything about a curse? It's just an old souvenir from an unknown South pacific island
MaxisAndrea presents the speaker with question #2602 from Ozkid22:
Can the professional party guest job from Livin' Large be a guest at your party?
MAXISean says, Well that is a career if they are at the upper level of slacker careers they can party..sure
MaxisAndrea presents the speaker with question #2189 from PookieLAL:
So can you use Livin' Large and House Party together?
MAXISean says, Sure
MaxisJenna says, yes you can have both
MaxisJenna says, in fact
MaxisJenna says, we encourage it
MaxisJenna says,
MAXISean says, hmm that means the monster might break the DJ turn table or the mechanical bull
MaxisAndrea presents the speaker with question #215 from GABman2000:
How long has House Party been in the making?
MaxisJenna says, since the end of last year
MaxisAndrea presents the speaker with question #731 from Jacensoloz:
What's this new dance cage, charades, campfire, buffet table, etc.?
MaxisJenna says, Those are all new objects
MaxisJenna says, Those are all GREAT new objects
MaxisAndrea presents the speaker with question #1963 from Rocksaw:
Will interactions be one-to-one IN a group or actually group oriented?
MaxisJenna says, some of both
MAXISean says, Some are group some aren' can tell group stories at the KampRite Instant Campfire
MaxisJenna says, or have a sing-a-long
MAXISean says, or roast marshmallows
MaxisAndrea says, That about wraps it up folks
MaxisAndrea says, I would like to thank you all for coming and chatting today.
MaxisJenna says, bladder bar is red
MAXISean says, wow we got 2779 questions...whew
MaxisAndrea says, Stay tuned .. the coming weeks bring more inside info from the House Party Team.
MAXISean says, see you all...thanks for coming!
MaxisAndrea says, Thanks Jenna, Sean and Kyle
MAXISean says, and remember,...atoa ma le viiga, e faavavau lava!
MAXISean says, bye now
MaxisJenna says, House Party comes out in April for about the same price as Living Large ($29 us)
MaxisAndrea says, Bye everyone