Happy Puppy Previews SimsVille

Just when I am released from Sims rehab, gaming crack dealer Will Wright throws another addiction my way. This time, it's in the form of SimsVille for PC. I get cold sweats just thinking about it.
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SimsVille Preview
by Libe Goad
Let the addiction begin...again.
Just when I am released from Sims rehab, gaming crack dealer Will Wright throws another addiction my way. This time, it's in the form of SimsVille for PC. I get cold sweats just thinking about it.
At E3, I literally tripped over my own feet racing to the neon-lighted SimsVille booth. Thankfully, I ran into the game's executive producer Christine McGavran, who gave me a thorough tour of the game, which is expected to hit retail early 2002.
Essentially, this game lets you take your Sims families and incorporate them into a town. Think SimCity on a down-home scale. Once they're there, you will no longer be able to develop them on a detailed personal level, but you'll keep them happy by building them places to work, stores, and neighborhoods to their liking. Are your Sims on par with the slovenly Bob Newbie? Throw in a few booze stores and adult-oriented theaters. If your town is filled with upper class snobs, add in a few fah-bulous shops and diners. And don't forget the parks; Sims love to fly kites in spacious green areas. You can also increase morale by throwing block parties and concerts.
Keep in mind that your town needs constant upkeep, or your Sims will soon find themselves on the wrong side of town. And, believe me, they'll be pissed when their property values start to deplete.
SimsVille looks and plays much like the other Sims games, with the exception of the revamped control panels. I've already started counting the days until I have this baby smoking in the game lab.