
Nieuwsarchief - 2003

Kleine opmerking: Ik ben op het moment druk aan het werk aan de nieuwe site. Ik wil de site echter niet helemaal offline halen, dus je kunt alles nog gewoon bekijken. Maar de werkzaamheden kunnen er wel voor zorgen dat sommige pagina's er een beetje raar uitzien. Het zal niet heel lang meer duren. Happy

"But few probably ever envisioned The Sims as a tool for serious social and personal expression."

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The Sims komen naar de Game Boy Advance, wij geven alvast wat informatie.

Wat we op dit moment met zekerheid kunnen vertellen is het volgende:

Electronic Arts today announced that The Sims™ Bustin’ Out is in development for the Game Boy® Advance at the company’s Walnut Creek-based Maxis™ studio in conjunction with Griptonite Games, an Amaze Entertainment Studio. For the first time, Game Boy Advance players will be able to experience the zany and unpredictable world of The Sims™.

Go To Press Release

Want to add some new Celebrities to your Studio Town area? Download the Make-A-Celebrity tool and create the Celebrity of your dreams! When you're done you can exchange your Celebrity creations on the Celebrity Exchange!

Download The Superstar Make-A-Celebrity Tool (3.05 Mb)

Now you can exchange Celebrities with other users on the Celebrity Exchange. Upload Celebrities you create with the Make-A-Celebrity tool or rate and download Celebrities created by other users!

Go To The Superstar Celebrity Exchange

USA Today has a story about where to find the hottest stars!

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If you ask me, people who write these articles could try to research the subject a little better before they start writing. What I mean exactly? Christina Aguilera can be found in The Sims Superstar, not in The Sims Online. And The Sims Superstar is not an online game.

"...The Sims: Superstar" is another solid addition to the series, and it's sure to keep some of the die-hard fans living like shut-ins for months to come."

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This rare plant is an endangered species, but still ultra fab. Special feeding instructions are included.

Download Cytherea Asilus Casses (292 Kb)

"After a quick look behind closed doors at E3, the answer comes as a resounding “oh yeah!”"

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"Wright was eager to talk about The Sims 2, which will be released early in 2004. The game will feature the first multi-generational Sims, including genetics and parenting effects."

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