
Welkom bij De Sims 2! Deel 36

Kleine opmerking: Ik ben op het moment druk aan het werk aan de nieuwe site. Ik wil de site echter niet helemaal offline halen, dus je kunt alles nog gewoon bekijken. Maar de werkzaamheden kunnen er wel voor zorgen dat sommige pagina's er een beetje raar uitzien. Het zal niet heel lang meer duren. Happy
zaterdag, juli 17, 2004 - 23:00

Greetings, Sims Fans!

Yesterday was an EA event called Hot Summer Nights, and apart from the fact that it was held largely during daytime hours, and the weather was quite mild, it absolutely lived up to its name! For HSN, EA rolled out all our upcoming titles, including The Sims 2, for the press to get a gander at. We really wanted to just blow them away with the game by letting them see more than we had a chance to show at E3. Even though the day gets a little blurry towards the end, fear not – I was taking notes for your benefit. Here they are, completely unexpurgated:

Approximately 2PM – The press are assembled, and you can tell even now that they're impressed. You should see their jaws drop when the see the huuuuge poster for The Sims 2 that we hung in our cafeteria in their honor. Wait til they get to play the game! Oh look, Jonathan Knight just brought me a drink. Thank you, Jonathan!

Approximately 4:15 PM – People loves this game even more than they love the open bar, and that's saying something! Oh, how nice! Now Tim LeTourneau has brought me a drink! My team loves me – they keep bringing me things to drink!

Approximately 5:45 PM – I looooove you guys! You're all withour a doubt the besrest commumity in the whoooole world. Sims 2 rocks!!!!

Approximately 7:15 PM – I gotta sit down.

Approximately 7:30 - ...

[The remainder of this week's Lucy Mail will be completed by Jonathan Knight and Tim LeTourneau]

Approximately 9 PM – What an amazing success today was! While you wait for the press' reactions, we have a little Body Shop challenge for you: Using the photos included in this email as reference, create Sims of either Lucy, Tim or Jonathan and upload them to The Exchange. Then email and include a link to your creation, so we can view it. Everyone who participates will get a cool blow-up Plumb Bob, and we'll give a Sims 2 shirt to the best of the lot. You have from now until next Friday to qualify for any of the prizes, so hop to it, gang!

Don't forget to check out these pics from the big day:

The Sims 2 The Sims 2 The Sims 2 The Sims 2 The Sims 2 The Sims 2 The Sims 2

Happy Simming!

Jonathan Knight & Tim LeTourneau (as proxies for Lucy Bradshaw)
