
Geen Twallan mods in De Sims 4

Kleine opmerking: Ik ben op het moment druk aan het werk aan de nieuwe site. Ik wil de site echter niet helemaal offline halen, dus je kunt alles nog gewoon bekijken. Maar de werkzaamheden kunnen er wel voor zorgen dat sommige pagina's er een beetje raar uitzien. Het zal niet heel lang meer duren. Happy
dinsdag, mei 7, 2013 - 10:33

Ik heb zojuist gehoord dat Twallan geen mods zal gaan maken voor De Sims 4:

So... Worst kept secret ? OMG, Sims 4. Really, you all knew it was coming, admit it.
For those of you who don't know, I decided a while ago not to publicly mod beyond Sims 3.
Frankly the idea of starting this whole spiel over again is simply unappetizing to me.
That, and the amount of free-time this whole phenomena eats up is atrocious.

I do intend to continue modding Sims 3 though, at least until the game can no longer be played on my operating system (knowing Microsoft that will probably happen with Windows 9 :P )
I have put a lot of work into this suite, and have no intention to simply drop it for the next best thing.
Hopefully EA does not thrash the game-engine too badly with the final patches, having to work around crash-to-desktop issues would put a damper on things.

As for Sims 4 :
If it is indeed moddable, I'm sure there will be plenty of modders interested in jumping into that limelight.
I wish them the best of luck with that.

Cheers. Happy
