
SimCity Nieuws

Kleine opmerking: Ik ben op het moment druk aan het werk aan de nieuwe site. Ik wil de site echter niet helemaal offline halen, dus je kunt alles nog gewoon bekijken. Maar de werkzaamheden kunnen er wel voor zorgen dat sommige pagina's er een beetje raar uitzien. Het zal niet heel lang meer duren. Happy
donderdag, november 20, 2003 - 22:30

12 van de beste fansites werden uitgenodigd bij EA om The Sims 2 University bij te wonen, waar ze werden getrakteerd op een dag met het Sims 2 ontwikkelaarsteam. Lees hier meer over wat ze zoal hebben geleerd!

Ga naar The Sims 2 University.

The Sims 2 University

Op 14 november, gingen webmasters van over de hele wereld kwamen naar het hoofdkantoor van Electronic Arts in Redwood Shores, Californië, om daar deel te nemen aan The Sims 2 University en een zeldzame demonstratie te krijgen van De Sims 2.

Webmasters van The Sims Resource, Sims Zone, The Sims Zone, The Well Dressed Sim, Sim Freaks, Secret Sims, Sim Programs/8th Deadly Sim/7 Deadly Sims, SimSational, World Sims, The Sims 2 Resource, Sim Stuff, Die Sims, Killer Sims waren allemaal aanwezig.*

De welkomstafel
De welkomstafel

We beginnen de dag om 9 uur 's ochtends met een welkomsontbijt waarbij alle aanwezigen elkaar ontmoetten, de meesten pas voor de eerste keer. Daarna ging iedereen naar het theater waar men een demo van het spel kreeg van Lucy Bradshaw. Zij liet allerlei nieuwe bouwopties zien. Lucy en producer Tim LeTourneau gaven een demo met muren en daken. Ze lieten ook zien hoe de items in bouwmodus aanpasbaar waren in zo'n beetje elke kleur.

Lucy laat De Sims 2 zien
Lucy laat De Sims 2 zien

Na een korte pauze, praatte Maxis General manager en internationale hartendief Luc Barthelet over hoe belangrijk de community is geweest voor The Sims franchise en hij daagde iedereen uit om nog een stapje verder te gaan. Daarna waren Art Directors Charles London en Dave Patch aan de beurt, die een demo kwamen geven hoe er spulletjes door de community gemaakt konden worden, en gaven daarbij voorbeelden.

Programmeur Mike Lawson en Designer Patrick Barrett namen daarna de show over en toonden de programmeertaal achter De Sims 2. Ze gaven een demonstratie hoe ze een Sim programmeerden te bewegen langs obstakels. In eerste instantie bewoog de Sim heel soepel, maar Mike bracht daar verandering in. Met een paar kleine wijzigingen, struikelde de Sim over boomstammen en slaagde er niet in een muur te beklimmen, en eindigde met tranen in de ogen. Vervolgens gingen we een welverdiende lunch nuttigen en hadden wat hands-on tijd met het spel.

Tijd voor de lunch
Tijd voor de lunch
Josh krijgt wat hands-on tijd met De Sims 2.
Josh krijgt wat hands-on tijd met De Sims 2.

Na de lunch, kwam Producer Darren Futa een demonstratie geven over de custom content tool voor het maken van Sims (CaSIE). Darren liet iedereen zien hoe een Sim wordt samengesteld, evenals een reeks aanpassingen die een gebruiker kan maken aan een Sim. Toen hij klaar was met een Sim maken, liet hij zien hoe een gebruiker een Sim in eigengemaakte kloffies kan kleden. Darren opende een shirt in Photoshop, maakte een paar snelle wijzigingen en sloeg het bestand op. Het nieuwe shirt opende in CaSIE op de Sim die hij had gemaakt en we konden direct zien hoe het eruit zag. Je kunt een review van deze tool functies bekijken op The Sims Resource en bij World Sims.

Na Darren's demo, kwam Web Manager Caryl Shaw ons vertellen hoe Maxis Web Hosting zou gaan werken. Caryl legde uit hoe het nieuwe systeem webmasters van succesvolle fansites kon ondersteunen bij het vaak terugkerende probleem van hoge bandbreedtekosten, door Maxis hun website te laten hosten. Dit zou betekenen dat kleinere sites door kunnen gaan geweldig werk te verrichten zonder de lasten van bandbreedtekosten vanwege de vele mensen die hun werk downloaden.

Nadat Caryl klaar was, was het tijd voor een Trivia wedstrijdje! Kun jij alle The Sims uitbreidingspakketten in de juiste volgorde opnoemen? Welke huisdiernaam in Beestenboel was verkeerd gespeld? Het duurde even, maar uiteindelijk won Josh de wedstrijd!

De triviawedstrijd - Gefeliciteerd aan Josh die won!
De triviawedstrijd - Gefeliciteerd aan Josh die won!
Groepsfoto van alle webmasters met Will.
Groepsfoto van alle webmasters met Will.

Na een korte Q&A met het team was het tijd om lol te gaan trappen met Will Wright en het team. We vertrokken naar een EA speelruimte waar iedereen nog wat meer met De Sims 2 kon spelen, wat kon drinken en wat lekkers kon eten. Toen was het tijd om afscheid te nemen! Tot volgend jaar!

donderdag, november 20, 2003 - 22:00

SimCity Producer's Kevin Hogan, Mike Cox, and Dr. Vu joined us to discuss SimCity. Go to to get the transcripts.

SimCity Producers Kevin Hogan, Mike Cox, and Dr. Vu joined us for a chat to discuss all things SimCity. What follows is the transcript:
mr_helm03 (Nov 19, 2003 5:55:22 PM)
hi, thankyou for taking your time out of your sheduel to chat with us! what are your future plans for Sim City?

DoctorVu (Nov 19, 2003 5:55:22 PM)
Of course, there are tons of things in the plans

MaxisShorty (Nov 19, 2003 5:55:28 PM)
Please feel free to begin submitting questions, but please also remember to keep to topic.

MaxisShorty (Nov 19, 2003 5:56:26 PM)
Remember - there's no need to say hello. Please keep your comments to questions only.

raevenangel13 (Nov 19, 2003 5:56:53 PM)
what is the topic?

MaxisShorty (Nov 19, 2003 5:56:53 PM)
Today's topic is all about SimCity.

UKSimmer (Nov 19, 2003 5:57:23 PM)
Will the My Sims feature be updated to work with 'The Sims 2'?

MaxisLucky (Nov 19, 2003 5:57:23 PM)
This chat is about SimCity. We'll be having a Sims 2 chat in the future but won't be answering questions about that today.

MaxisKitty (Nov 19, 2003 5:59:21 PM)
Hello and welcome to today's chat all about Sim City! With us today are Sim City Producer Kevin Hogan, Dr. Vu and Associate Producer Mike Cox

csnowmon (Nov 19, 2003 6:00:08 PM)
what sim city are we chatting about?

MaxisShorty (Nov 19, 2003 6:00:08 PM)
Today's chat will be limited to SimCity 4 and Rush Hour, but questions about earlier versions of the game will be considered.

Stash (Nov 19, 2003 6:00:51 PM)
Will SimCity ever get another console version ever made again (like Gamecube, Xbox, or PS2)?

MaxisKevin (Nov 19, 2003 6:00:51 PM)
hey everyone,We currently have no announced plans for a console version of SimCity.

thesiddog (Nov 19, 2003 6:01:09 PM)
Can you explain to me what a 64x64 city is. Is that the smallest?

coxfrommaxis (Nov 19, 2003 6:01:09 PM)
Yes. A 64x64 city is the smallest in SimCity. The dimensions refer to the grids on the city.

DoctorVu (Nov 19, 2003 6:01:13 PM)
Hi everyone, good to see you all coming in to chat with us.

coxfrommaxis (Nov 19, 2003 6:01:17 PM)
Hello all!

chickmagnet (Nov 19, 2003 6:02:20 PM)
what is so great about sims city 4 and rush hour?

coxfrommaxis (Nov 19, 2003 6:02:20 PM)
Many things. If you have always wanted to drive around your city now you can. There are also lots of cool new buildings. There are some really cool tools that help you improve your traffic.

MaxisLucky (Nov 19, 2003 6:02:23 PM)

simsfan14 (Nov 19, 2003 6:02:51 PM)
Dr. Vu, what is your favorite vehicle in Rush Hour?

DoctorVu (Nov 19, 2003 6:02:51 PM)
My favorite has got to be the school bus with the kids; another favorite of mine is the UFO. Hopefully, everyone would have a favorite vehicle that they love driving.

PooheadMAX (Nov 19, 2003 6:03:34 PM)
We understand that some of the Maxis programmer's have been working with the Mod-Squad on some transportation bug's and fixes. Can we expect that the pathfinding will be improved on the next Rush Hour update?

MaxisKevin (Nov 19, 2003 6:03:34 PM)
The community has been providing a lot of support in resolving some issues in Rush Hour/Deluxe. Their help has been invaluable. In particular, The7Trumpets has been a HUGE help.

shareallicu (Nov 19, 2003 6:03:42 PM)
will simcity ever be a 3D city?

coxfrommaxis (Nov 19, 2003 6:03:42 PM)
SimCity is 3d. If you have ever played with the lot editor you will see all the models and can arrange them how ever you wish. Some people think it is not 3d because you can not move the camera in an umlimited way. For simcity we have only the fixed views in the 3d environment.

Stash (Nov 19, 2003 6:04:48 PM)
How many lines of code were in the orignal SimCity?

DoctorVu (Nov 19, 2003 6:04:48 PM)
From what I last heard, upwards of 500k. Kudos to our programmers. This is a complex game.

scooby_dooby_doo03 (Nov 19, 2003 6:05:02 PM)
What kind of new downloads will MakisLucky be adding Wink

MaxisLucky (Nov 19, 2003 6:05:02 PM)
tune in on SimCity day and see - I'm only going to get crazier!!!

sc4dude (Nov 19, 2003 6:05:03 PM)
is a residential only large city withe the population of over 500K good

coxfrommaxis (Nov 19, 2003 6:05:03 PM)
I think that is pretty good. How large is your map? I would imagine that you have a lot of hi-rises in a city like that.

MaxisShorty (Nov 19, 2003 6:05:09 PM)
Please refrain from re-submitting questions you already asked.

AshBash (Nov 19, 2003 6:05:23 PM)
Who thought of Sim City?

coxfrommaxis (Nov 19, 2003 6:05:23 PM)
That would be the wonderful Will Wright.

ButrSCth19 (Nov 19, 2003 6:06:46 PM)
Hi! I want to get Simciy 4 very badly, but do I need simcity 1 to have simcity 4???

DoctorVu (Nov 19, 2003 6:06:46 PM)
Simcity 4 is a stand alone product from Simcity 1. If you get the deluxe version now, it will include the Rush Hour expansion pack. So no, you won't need Simcity 1 to play Simcity 4.

Stash (Nov 19, 2003 6:07:09 PM)
Why was the original full 3D version of SC3K cancled and instead the 2D version with locked camera was made instead? Why did SC4 have locked camera? The old unreleased SC3K with unlocked cameras and full 3D lookeded so cool. Will SimCity ever get unlocked (free) cameras in a full 3d city? That's why SimCopter is so cool, you can see your cities (from SC classic and SC2K) in full 3D and walk/fly around them.

MaxisKevin (Nov 19, 2003 6:07:09 PM)
The performance of 3K when it was full 3D was unacceptable. PC's at the time simply couldn't handle viewing an entire cityscape with the level of detail we felt we needed for the buildings, terrain , props, etc. In SimCity 4 we felt similarly. So we decided to go with a full 3D engine, which allowed for better terrain and visual effects, but we modeled the buildings without all the sides, which limited the camera directions. This helped keep performance to acceptable levels while we could still make very detailed buildings.

Aeslabelle (Nov 19, 2003 6:07:20 PM)
What are some key features that set SimCity4 apart from Simcity3k?

coxfrommaxis (Nov 19, 2003 6:07:20 PM)
The biggest differnece is the amount of detail in SC4 over 3000. There are tons of little props that the simulator uses to communicate the city conditions in SC4 that were not in 3000. Also, the simulator is much more detailed. In 3000 all effects like schools and fire were for the entire city. In SC4 there are local effects that the simulator tracts. That way you get more details in different parts of the city. There are other huge differences in the look.

MayorRybolton (Nov 19, 2003 6:07:49 PM)
If you had to describe Will Wright based on his genes, how would you do it. IE, I know he has both the crazy gene and the genius gene. Happy

coxfrommaxis (Nov 19, 2003 6:07:49 PM)
His denim tends to be pretty well washed from what I can tell.

PooheadMAX (Nov 19, 2003 6:08:25 PM)
Can you give us a list of bug-fixes that will be included with the next Rush Hour "update" ?

MaxisKevin (Nov 19, 2003 6:08:25 PM)
We definitely will publish the full list when we release the update.

MaxisShorty (Nov 19, 2003 6:08:27 PM)
Sorry, the correct URL for the SimCity retrospective article should be:

xoimaginexo (Nov 19, 2003 6:08:33 PM)
can u play with ur sims u've made in the sims game in sim city

coxfrommaxis (Nov 19, 2003 6:08:33 PM)
Yes you can. IN SimCity 4 we put in an import Sim feature. That way you can move into your city your favorite sims.

AshBash (Nov 19, 2003 6:08:57 PM)
Any more plans for Sim City?

MayorRybolton (Nov 19, 2003 6:09:30 PM)
Did I get MaxisShorty a job? ;-

MaxisLucky (Nov 19, 2003 6:09:30 PM)
MaxisShorty did get a job. He has to listen to my rants and raves now all day long!

Stash (Nov 19, 2003 6:10:02 PM)
Why was it called SimCity 4 and not SimCity 4000 like the other sequals to SimCity?

MaxisKevin (Nov 19, 2003 6:10:02 PM)
We actually spent a lot of time on this topic. In the end it comes down to aesthetics and marketing. Sorry I don't have a better answer than that.

Stash (Nov 19, 2003 6:10:55 PM)
Why was the original full 3D version of SC3K cancled and instead the 2D version with locked camera was made instead?

coxfrommaxis (Nov 19, 2003 6:10:55 PM)
That was a long time ago but let me see if I can answer. Basically, the look of the full 3d version was just not very satisfying to us. With the technology at the time we didn't feel like the look and feel was going to be as compelling as we would have wanted. SC4 comes close and is a full 3d environment. The camera positions are locked but there is so much detail in the game that locking the view is required if you want game speed to be appropriate.

MaxisShorty (Nov 19, 2003 6:11:01 PM)
Please ask your question only once! We have a complete queue of all your questions, so there is no need to re-submit questions.

Pepsiman_CR (Nov 19, 2003 6:11:05 PM)
Make Some NFL foodball Rawards!

MaxisKevin (Nov 19, 2003 6:11:05 PM)
Good idea. I would love to see that too!!

standbyme59 (Nov 19, 2003 6:11:20 PM)
I've played SimCity 3000, what new things do SimCity4 and RushHour bring into the game?

DoctorVu (Nov 19, 2003 6:11:20 PM)
Oh my, there are so many things that you can find in Simcity 4 that you won't find in Simcity 3000. I would recommend visiting the Simcity 4 website and check out the developers inside scoop at Here you will find quite a bit about Simcity 4. Some of the things right off the top of my head include: God mode terra-forming, U-Drive it, awesome graphics, Lot editor, new Simulations, new disasters, and way more!

standbyme59 (Nov 19, 2003 6:11:41 PM)
How did you all get to working on such a great game?

coxfrommaxis (Nov 19, 2003 6:11:41 PM)
We all work very hard and love what we do. Skill and some luck all got us to this great job.

megggie (Nov 19, 2003 6:13:10 PM)
are you answering questions about the sims 2 as well?

MaxisLucky (Nov 19, 2003 6:13:10 PM)
This chat is about SimCity. We'll be having a Sims 2 chat in the future but won't be answering questions about that today.

hackinosa (Nov 19, 2003 6:13:10 PM)
Dr. Vu, what can you do with the tank, other than buldoze buildings?

DoctorVu (Nov 19, 2003 6:13:10 PM)
There are missions that you can do with the tank to earn rewards such as money, mayor rating and desirability. Other than that, its way too much fun driving around blowing things up.

Guest (Nov 19, 2003 6:13:38 PM)
can u build 5 lane highways?

DoctorVu (Nov 19, 2003 6:13:39 PM)
Not in Simcity 4, but you can build 6 lane highways.

Jqoc (Nov 19, 2003 6:13:59 PM)
What will the Building Architect tool be like?

coxfrommaxis (Nov 19, 2003 6:13:59 PM)
The building architect tool will be a 3d modeling tool that will enable you to export your creations and use them in SimCity. The tool is based on gMax from discreet. You can download a free copy from here.

Elenea (Nov 19, 2003 6:14:29 PM)
How much has the game changed since SimCity2000?

MaxisKevin (Nov 19, 2003 6:14:29 PM)
Wow, where to start? There are a huge number of differences. The game is still fundamentally about building cities, and you still have RCI, but the visuals are much richer, the simulation is much deeper (e.g. it matters where you put your schools, not just that you have them), and the detail is way beyond what you'd see in 2K.

kristoo (Nov 19, 2003 6:15:47 PM)
Does SimCity 4 have the architectural and terrain-editing tools like SimCity 3000 (Unlimited) had?

coxfrommaxis (Nov 19, 2003 6:15:47 PM)
We are working on an architectural tool for SC4 now. You will be able to build 3d models, edit the properties of the models in a plugin editor and then put it all together with the lot editor. This tool should be even more powerful than the original BAT. It is built on gMax from discreet. A free copy of gMax can be found here

coxfrommaxis (Nov 19, 2003 6:16:02 PM)
gMax can be downloaded from free from here.

Sim1013 (Nov 19, 2003 6:16:37 PM)
Why is it that when you query a residential house it says that it's education is high even though the data view is in the red for that area?

MaxisKevin (Nov 19, 2003 6:16:37 PM)
The educational needs of a resident depends on their wealth-level. For example, low wealth residents don't require as high of education as high wealth sims.

Elenea (Nov 19, 2003 6:16:45 PM)
What do you suggest someone should do if they accidentally put their SimCity on Gazelle speed and it always goes to a newspaper before they can change it back to normal speed?

coxfrommaxis (Nov 19, 2003 6:16:45 PM)
Sounds like you are still playing SC2000. I would suggest playing at a slower speed or upgrading to the latest and greatest SC4

Zip (Nov 19, 2003 6:17:39 PM)
when will this chat end ?

MaxisShorty (Nov 19, 2003 6:17:39 PM)
today's chat end at 4pm PST

Guest (Nov 19, 2003 6:17:40 PM)
what do you do in sim city that is fun?

DoctorVu (Nov 19, 2003 6:17:41 PM)
You can build the city of your dreams, and then lay waste to it with a well place meteor shower. You can raise mountains, lower valleys, and play god. You can draw networks, while watching your sims go to work or school. You can check out the amazing architecture from around the world, without ever stepping one foot out the door. There is this and more in SimCity 4.

da_fitz (Nov 19, 2003 6:17:54 PM)
When can we expect the BAT?

coxfrommaxis (Nov 19, 2003 6:17:54 PM)
We are working hard on it now. Keep an eye out for it by the end of next month.

shareallicu (Nov 19, 2003 6:18:23 PM)
I want to thankyou soo much for the Rush Hour addition it Made the game 100 times more fun! thankyou:0)

DoctorVu (Nov 19, 2003 6:18:23 PM)
I'm so glad you liked it. We kept you (the fans) in mind the whole time while developing it.

Guest (Nov 19, 2003 6:18:35 PM)
Will you make a Building Creator like the one in Sim City 3000 Unlimited?

MaxisKevin (Nov 19, 2003 6:18:35 PM)
We are currently working feverishly on a building architect tool of SimCity 4 based on GMAX (a freeware version of 3DStudio Max). We haven't announced a launch date for this yet, however.

hackinosa (Nov 19, 2003 6:18:37 PM)
Can you take vehicles out for leisure, or only for missions?

coxfrommaxis (Nov 19, 2003 6:18:37 PM)
You can choose to do free drive with all of the u-drive it vehicles. I like doing that to see how well my roads are put together in my city.

buggi (Nov 19, 2003 6:19:18 PM)
Why does MaxisKitty go crazy for the holidays? Happy

MaxisKitty (Nov 19, 2003 6:19:18 PM)
That is Maxis Lucky going crazy.. I am completely sane I assure you =)

sc4dude (Nov 19, 2003 6:20:08 PM)
can you get a large city with only residential zone over 1 million by it's self

MaxisKevin (Nov 19, 2003 6:20:08 PM)
Definitely, but you'll need to have cities in your region that have jobs. So one single city can be nothing but residential, but they have to be able to commute to a neighboring city to work.

LizzyD16 (Nov 19, 2003 6:20:12 PM)
What is BAT?

coxfrommaxis (Nov 19, 2003 6:20:12 PM)
BAT=Buildings Architect Tool. For SimCity 3k there was a modeling tool that enabled you to build with blocks and textures. For SimCity 4 we are putting together a full blown 3d modeling tool that will let you build stuff for SimCity 4

Guest (Nov 19, 2003 6:21:00 PM)
why does Elenea get to have so many questions answered? one per person should be the limit I'd say with so many people asking questions

MaxisKitty (Nov 19, 2003 6:21:00 PM)
We look at the questions being asked, not the person asking the questions. Think of a great question and it will probably get answered!

Jqoc (Nov 19, 2003 6:21:33 PM)
what are the requirements to getting stage 3 industrial buildings? most of the industry in my cities seem to be stage 1 and 2

MaxisKevin (Nov 19, 2003 6:21:33 PM)
Stage actually refers to a lot, not a building. Buildings can be used in multiple stages of lots. So the same industry building can be used in stage 1, 2 and 3 lots. Having said that, however, we are addressing the variety of industry buildings as part of the Rush Hour/Deluxe update.

shareallicu (Nov 19, 2003 6:21:57 PM)
I have a 1.8ghz celeron proc with 256mb of ram and plenty of space on my 60gig hard drive but its extremley hard to get a city over 10,000 because of the jumpiness and skipping it does..the music and the game. I have windows XP could i just need more ram?

coxfrommaxis (Nov 19, 2003 6:21:57 PM)
It's hard to say. This does not sound like a RAM problem. If you have not already done so I would make sure you have the latest video and audio drivers for you machine. Has tech support been able to help?

thesiddog (Nov 19, 2003 6:22:52 PM)
Who does the music for SC4? I really like the stuff that came with Rush Hour!

DoctorVu (Nov 19, 2003 6:22:52 PM)
Jerry Martin, Andy Brick, The Humble Brothers, Walt Szalva, and Edwin Dolinski and a 70-man orchestra from the Czech Republic. My favorite song is the Wheels of Progress.

gwendigo (Nov 19, 2003 6:23:01 PM)
What do you mean by 'going crazy"?

MaxisKitty (Nov 19, 2003 6:23:01 PM)
she is giving away something special on the SimCity site every Tues.. she is crazy with the giveaways!

red3wing (Nov 19, 2003 6:23:33 PM)
What kind of updates can the players expect in the coming weeks?

MaxisLucky (Nov 19, 2003 6:23:33 PM)
Only the shadow knows.....

hackinosa (Nov 19, 2003 6:23:48 PM)
In Rush Hour, can you take cars out for leisure, or only for missions? And if you can, which ones?

MaxisKevin (Nov 19, 2003 6:23:48 PM)
Yes you can. MySim cars can be taken out at any time, so if you have a MySim in your city you can choose their car and take it out for a spin. Other cars are available through the Earned Vehicles Catalog. And even if a mission is available for a vehicle, you can always select Free Ride.

standbyme59 (Nov 19, 2003 6:23:52 PM)
Will the BAT for SC4 be easy to use?

coxfrommaxis (Nov 19, 2003 6:23:52 PM) Check out the free downloads at discreet to see how easy, or hard, gMax is to use. The have lots of tutorials that will help you get started. The tool is a 3d modeling tool so I think it will be hard for people who have never used such things. But, their is so much power with this tool that I think people will be making really cool stuff.

Guest (Nov 19, 2003 6:24:13 PM)
How come Maxis is always adding to its games and continues to support them for long periods after release, yet other developers do not?

DoctorVu (Nov 19, 2003 6:24:13 PM)
Maxis Developers strive to make quality products that tend to have staying power. Plus we like keeping our fans happy.

ga (Nov 19, 2003 6:24:22 PM)
Similar to sc4dude's question, can you get a large city with commercial only, if you have an all-residential town nearby?

coxfrommaxis (Nov 19, 2003 6:24:22 PM)
You sure can. You just need to make sure you have good city connections to a residential area.

Guest (Nov 19, 2003 6:24:55 PM)
What are the side effects of having a toxic waste site?

MaxisKevin (Nov 19, 2003 6:24:55 PM)
Toxic Waste sites reduce your mayor rating (which can lead to riots) and are a tad radioactive. So development won't happen near them.

Guest (Nov 19, 2003 6:25:08 PM)
Was it fun creating the game and/or testing them?

DoctorVu (Nov 19, 2003 6:25:08 PM)
Everyday on the Simcity 4 project has been a dream come true for many of us.

Scrambled1 (Nov 19, 2003 6:26:08 PM)
I thaught the BAT From SC3 was a tad complicated... with the new BAT for SC4 ... will you be making it easier to use?

coxfrommaxis (Nov 19, 2003 6:26:09 PM)
We decided to give more power to the users with the SC4 BAT. With that said some people may find it to be complicated. That is the trade off for enabling you to build more detailed buildings for SC4

ButrSCth19 (Nov 19, 2003 6:27:23 PM)
In simcity 4 what sports are there(i saw football but is there baseball,etc.)as you can tell i dont have the game:(

DoctorVu (Nov 19, 2003 6:27:23 PM)
Oh my, you should go out and experience it. We have baseball, soccer, basketball, tennis, and others. It's a blast watching all the activities occurring in your cities.

Guest (Nov 19, 2003 6:27:54 PM)
I've only played The SIms, am I mising out on a lot of fun?

coxfrommaxis (Nov 19, 2003 6:27:54 PM)
I think so. If you love tinkering with something you have created I think you will really like simcity. The sims you are managing individuals. In simcity you are managing a whole city of sims and being mayor of a city.

Rogue18 (Nov 19, 2003 6:28:06 PM)
Thank you for having this chat, I don't know many people that can say they have been part of a chat with people who make their favorite game a reality.

MaxisKitty (Nov 19, 2003 6:28:06 PM)
We love holding them for you guys, they are a lot of fun for us as well

zenbungle (Nov 19, 2003 6:28:27 PM)
Rain and surface water were recently discovered in the SC4 coding. Is this something that will be "unlocked" in a download or will we have to wait for an expantion pack?

MaxisKevin (Nov 19, 2003 6:28:27 PM)
Often times in development we start on features only to have to cut them later because of time contraints. Surface water is one of those. So there's still some infrastucture in place for that in our code, but no where near a full feature that we could simply "activate".

thesiddog (Nov 19, 2003 6:28:54 PM)
I have NEVER used a 3D editor except Poser 4, will BAT be too hard to pick up?

coxfrommaxis (Nov 19, 2003 6:28:54 PM)
Try playing with the tutorials in gMax to better understand. You can get a free copy here

Guest (Nov 19, 2003 6:28:58 PM)
who came up with simcity?

MaxisKevin (Nov 19, 2003 6:28:58 PM)
Will Wright did.

Guest (Nov 19, 2003 6:30:06 PM)
How long did it take to make Sim City?

MaxisKevin (Nov 19, 2003 6:30:06 PM)
SimCity 4 was in development for roughly 3 years.

Guest (Nov 19, 2003 6:30:27 PM)
how much of a comminent does the dev staff have to patches and fixing glitches users may find??

DoctorVu (Nov 19, 2003 6:30:27 PM)
We treat it seriously and have done our best to work with our fans to find any glitches that may have been found. Since PCs tend to be so different from one user to the next, it is always a great deal of work to find and fix those problems.

Aeslabelle (Nov 19, 2003 6:30:34 PM)
Do you see people walking through the streets a little better in SimCity4?

coxfrommaxis (Nov 19, 2003 6:30:34 PM)
Yes you do. And in Rush Hour we added a zoom 6 that zooms you in a little further.

LostSoul (Nov 19, 2003 6:31:31 PM)
Is there a way to import the sims into the game or something like that?

MaxisKevin (Nov 19, 2003 6:31:31 PM)
Absolutely. There is a feature in SimCity 4 that allows you to import Sims 1.x Sims called MySim.

MayorRybolton (Nov 19, 2003 6:33:03 PM)
What do each of you think draws people to SimCity? Why?

coxfrommaxis (Nov 19, 2003 6:33:03 PM)
It is a game that is never done. You can build, destroy build again and keep on tinkering and still come up with new stuff. I think that is the biggest draw. Also, is is something people are familiar with. People live in cities and towns and can identify with those surroundings. THis is a game that lets you play with something familar.

shareallicu (Nov 19, 2003 6:33:38 PM)
Do I have to do the U drive it missions for my city to Grow...My buildings are all small buildings and i have 10k people.

MaxisKevin (Nov 19, 2003 6:33:38 PM)
Nope. U-Drive-It can help you make money, boost your mayor rating in the short term, and earn you reward buildings. But you can do all those things without playing U-Drive-It. If your city is 10K and won't grow, you likely have problems in that city completely unrelated to U-Drive-It.

Captain_Heath (Nov 19, 2003 6:33:39 PM)
I heard in a different chat session there was the possibilty of fansite hosting from Maxis, any news about that?

MaxisLucky (Nov 19, 2003 6:33:39 PM)
No new news about that. But hopefully we'll be able to talk about that sometime soon.

simgirl (Nov 19, 2003 6:33:51 PM)
DoctorVu How is the technolgy changing since making the first simcity game from now where the technolgy is alittle bit diferent isit harder or easier???

DoctorVu (Nov 19, 2003 6:33:51 PM)
Every version from Simcity 1 to Simcity 4 has gotten more than more complicated and more different since each time the engine was rebuilt from the ground up. My experience on Simcity 4 has shown me that this is one of the most complicated and ambitious games on the market.

Guest (Nov 19, 2003 6:34:04 PM)
will BAT have tutorials?

coxfrommaxis (Nov 19, 2003 6:34:04 PM)
There are tutorials for getting started in buildings bat buildings. Also, there are tutorials that will teach the basics of creating 3d models in gMax.

Guest (Nov 19, 2003 6:35:28 PM)
How do you get to the stage where you can get tall buildings, it doesnt seem to work for me?

MaxisKevin (Nov 19, 2003 6:35:28 PM)
It is strictly based on population. So you need to grow your city out before you try to grow it up. At roughly 26,000 population, you should start to see the tallest residential buildings assuming you zoned high density, provided water, and have high desirability.

Guest (Nov 19, 2003 6:35:31 PM)
When I use the maximum zoom-in while playing Simcity 4 the buildings look all blurry. Is that a problem with my video card?

DoctorVu (Nov 19, 2003 6:35:32 PM)
Check out your video options. Chances are your texture quality is turned down to medium or low.

Stellanor (Nov 19, 2003 6:36:36 PM)
hi, i'm a new player to the game and i'm so tired of the lack of money. I'm not able to figure out how to run a city. I feel sorry about it because i would really like to create and develope a city. Any tips?

coxfrommaxis (Nov 19, 2003 6:36:36 PM)
The biggest things is to start of slow. Try not to buy and build too much until you have plenty of sims living in your town. Your revenues is going to come from you tax base and that means the more sims you have living in your town the more taxes you are going to get. So, try starting off slowly and resist the urge to build water plants, schools and other stuff. Wait until you have a lot of people living in town and collect all their tax money. Then you should be able to start building schools and other infrastructure items.

snowandcandy (Nov 19, 2003 6:37:09 PM)
Is this new game really fun?

coxfrommaxis (Nov 19, 2003 6:37:09 PM)
I think so but ask the people on the BBS to get a better idea.

Dippit (Nov 19, 2003 6:37:13 PM)
how did you get your jobs at Maxis?

MaxisLucky (Nov 19, 2003 6:37:13 PM)
Just got Lucky, I guess....

Guest (Nov 19, 2003 6:38:01 PM)
How come Individual Tax setting for Industry was taken out. It help control Poluttion a lot

MaxisKevin (Nov 19, 2003 6:38:01 PM)
In Deluxe and Rush Hour you can adjust the taxes for Dirty, Manufacturing, Agriculture and High tech individually. This is definitely a powerful way to manage pollution (tax dirty industry high).

Rogue18 (Nov 19, 2003 6:38:08 PM)
I saw that you can have custom tunes, but I have no idea how to do it, help?

DoctorVu (Nov 19, 2003 6:38:08 PM)
There's a folder in Simcity 4 program files called radio station. Drop your mp3 in there and then go into the game music options and custom tunes to select it.

thesiddog (Nov 19, 2003 6:38:23 PM)
It's my dream to work in the gaming industry (Maxis) any advice?

MaxisLucky (Nov 19, 2003 6:38:23 PM)
Check and look for Walnut Creek/Maxis - then apply...

Italianboy (Nov 19, 2003 6:39:06 PM)
I don't have any sim city games, which one do you reccomend?

coxfrommaxis (Nov 19, 2003 6:39:06 PM)
I would start with SimCity 4 Deluxe. That is the latest and greatest version.

Guest (Nov 19, 2003 6:39:16 PM)
What's different from Rush Hour and Sim City 4?

DoctorVu (Nov 19, 2003 6:39:17 PM)
Rush Hour is the expansion pack to Simcity 4. If you buy Simcity 4 deluxe, Rush Hour is included in the package.

shareallicu (Nov 19, 2003 6:39:32 PM)
Once i place a volcano, will it erupt again on its own? none of mine have so far:(

coxfrommaxis (Nov 19, 2003 6:39:32 PM)
They only erupt the first time you place them.

Stash (Nov 19, 2003 6:40:49 PM)
Why no scenarios in SC4?

MaxisKevin (Nov 19, 2003 6:40:49 PM)
We've discussed scenarios quite a bit. The feedback from most users seems to be a bit apathetic towards them (though there are definitely some avid fans out there). As a result we had to prioritze the feature lower than some other features and it simply just didn't make the cut. Sorry.

snowandcandy (Nov 19, 2003 6:41:33 PM)
Lucky, do you make the games? And/or design them? How many years of college did u have to have to get your job? Do you like your job?

MaxisLucky (Nov 19, 2003 6:41:33 PM)
I don't make games. I make the websites for the games. For all you aspiring game creators out there we will be having a chat in the future about how to get into the game industry.

Guest (Nov 19, 2003 6:42:06 PM)
When is BAT coming out and if you are not sure just simply say so Happy

coxfrommaxis (Nov 19, 2003 6:42:06 PM)
Keep an eye out for it by the end of next month.

reynaldo20 (Nov 19, 2003 6:42:34 PM)
Will the BBS on the Sim City website eventually evovle into something like the SimTropolis website?

MaxisLucky (Nov 19, 2003 6:42:35 PM)
We are working on improvements to the BBS and will be rolling them out over the next few months. But Simtropolis is a great community and we hope you enjoy your time there, too.

Karybdis (Nov 19, 2003 6:42:35 PM)
Do any of you guys ever partake in modifying the game just for yourselves like we modd squad sometimes do? Or do you just prefer playing the game as is, and watching what the community can do in their free time.

DoctorVu (Nov 19, 2003 6:42:35 PM)
Time is always something we always against, so we tend not to be making modds of the game. Watching the modd squad work is great though. The community aspect of it all is something we will always appreciate.

fway (Nov 19, 2003 6:42:38 PM)
Why in rush hour were there no specialized brides like suspension and cable-stayed for monorails and elevated trains?

MaxisKevin (Nov 19, 2003 6:42:38 PM)
We simply ran out of time. We added over 30 bridges to Rush Hour/Deluxe, which exceeded our expectations, but we definitely would've liked to have added more, including the ones you mention.

artgal987 (Nov 19, 2003 6:42:52 PM)
When will there be a Sims 2 chat?

MaxisLucky (Nov 19, 2003 6:42:52 PM)
This chat is about SimCity. We'll be having a Sims 2 chat in the future but won't be answering questions about that today.

buggi (Nov 19, 2003 6:43:19 PM)
Get into the game industry? Is cracking and modding a game a negative or positive in that area? :D

MaxisKitty (Nov 19, 2003 6:43:19 PM)
good question to save for that chat Wink

red3wing (Nov 19, 2003 6:44:59 PM)
What will the anticipated patch to Rush Hour deal with?

coxfrommaxis (Nov 19, 2003 6:44:59 PM)
There are a ton of things we have added to the update. Many of the items have been brought up on this bbs and others and we have tried to address them all. To be honest, there is more than I can really list here. We will be posting the details in the coming weeks

chuckybear (Nov 19, 2003 6:45:04 PM)
What about development of a tool like the original SimCity magnifying glass to show you the current stage of a lot. (perhaps an updated one to show needed requirements for the next stage)

MaxisKevin (Nov 19, 2003 6:45:04 PM)
The query tells you everything you need to know to get better development (what the building needs). Staged growth is related to the cities population so doesn't really apply to individual buildings.

xoimaginexo (Nov 19, 2003 6:45:20 PM)
when is this chat over

coxfrommaxis (Nov 19, 2003 6:45:20 PM)

zzzchristian (Nov 19, 2003 6:45:48 PM)
oh yah what does "SIM" mean (ignore the last qustion)

MaxisShorty (Nov 19, 2003 6:45:49 PM)
Sim is short hand for "simulation"

simgirl101 (Nov 19, 2003 6:45:50 PM)
Hey, all I have so many questions to ask but you have alot to answer so heres one I can think of, have you got any tips for us beginners on how to create a great big city with lots of happy people Happy

DoctorVu (Nov 19, 2003 6:45:50 PM)
There are great chats and tutorials that can be found on, Simtropolis,, and that will help you create great cities. It will be difficult to give all the techniques right now. My only suggestion is to keep at it, and don't get frustrated. Don't give up. Play on easy mode.

Guest (Nov 19, 2003 6:46:06 PM)
Guys Build NFL SuperBowel Land Mark ?

MaxisKevin (Nov 19, 2003 6:46:06 PM)
I guess we could, but that would be kinda messy

Rogue18 (Nov 19, 2003 6:46:15 PM)
When is this chat over in Western Australian Time? (I't 7:46am now)

MaxisLucky (Nov 19, 2003 6:46:15 PM)
This chat will last 15 more minutes.

mayorralphaelninja (Nov 19, 2003 6:47:02 PM)
Has anyone at maxis looked at a modd (from the modd squad) and said, "wow" I didn't know it could do that?

coxfrommaxis (Nov 19, 2003 6:47:02 PM)
We love to be surprised by what is happening in the modd community and there have certainly been some cool things. I remember how much excitement the appearance of the dat reader created around here. Keep up the great work.

Guest (Nov 19, 2003 6:47:39 PM)
i dont have simcity 4 :( do u recommend it?

DoctorVu (Nov 19, 2003 6:47:40 PM)
Yes yes yes yes! It's such a fun and addictive game.

Usagi_Chan (Nov 19, 2003 6:47:49 PM)
Gobble gobble? Is MaxisLucky looking forward to Thanksgiving or not? As a turkey though, she may have some reservations...

MaxisLucky (Nov 19, 2003 6:47:49 PM)
I have a love/hate relationship with Thanksgiving. Yes, there is the download of the week and all..... but MaxisShorty keeps looking at me funny and he has this basting brush in his cube.

xoimaginexo (Nov 19, 2003 6:48:31 PM)
what state do the people who work for ea games work in or were is ea games company located?

MaxisKitty (Nov 19, 2003 6:48:31 PM)
Maxis is located in Walnut Creek California but EA has studios all over the world

kristoo (Nov 19, 2003 6:49:06 PM)
I always problems making and keeping money. I don't like to over-tax my citizens and I'm never sure about which ordinances to pass or veto. Any advice?

MaxisKevin (Nov 19, 2003 6:49:06 PM)
The gambling ordinance can help you make money, but in general ordinances aren't necessary and cost moeny. My advice would be to demolish buildings you don't absolutely need until you have a balanced budget. This could be police stations, fire stations, landmarks, etc. Also, avoid zoning high density early in the game because you probably can't afford it and you won't get tall buildings early int he game anyway. Rush Hour/Deluxe comes with a difficulty setting, and when set on Easy gives you 500,000 simoleons plus a boost to tax revenue.

Usagi_Chan (Nov 19, 2003 6:49:25 PM)
What exactly is a modd (the modd squad)?

coxfrommaxis (Nov 19, 2003 6:49:25 PM)
You should go see the Simtropolis web site to learn more about this community. They are a group of fans that have created some cool tools that enable them to modify various aspects of the Simcity 4 game. They have done some amazing things and we are proud to have them as fans. They can be found here.

Scrambled1 (Nov 19, 2003 6:49:40 PM)
Where can the Modd Squad be found at? is it at the bbs.. or is there a website for them... or are they maxis folk? (im not familiar with them.. and havent been on the bbs in a while)

MaxisKitty (Nov 19, 2003 6:49:40 PM)

Stash (Nov 19, 2003 6:50:14 PM)
I downloaded a region from and it was a much smaller size then the normal ones (like only 9 cities) can I make a smaller region?

DoctorVu (Nov 19, 2003 6:50:14 PM)
There are tutorials for this on Simtropolis, and that will help you step by step in editing region size.

PooheadMAX (Nov 19, 2003 6:51:08 PM)
I find that with the addition of the Rush Hour transportation upgrades (ie: Avenue's, 1-way Streets... etc) it is particularly difficult to get the "High" Commercial traffic in an area without having the roads over-capacity. Is there anything I might beable to do to increase Commercial traffic ?

MaxisKevin (Nov 19, 2003 6:51:08 PM)
There was a rather complex issue with the way we were calculating commercial traffic that we have fixed for the next update.

Karybdis (Nov 19, 2003 6:51:08 PM)
We've heard before that some of you Maxoids have been working crazy hours on Rush Hour at least before the release (including the insidious doctor). Are these actual work hours, due to time constraints, because of your love for the game, or because you lost bets to some of your co-workers? Wink

coxfrommaxis (Nov 19, 2003 6:51:08 PM)
There is always so much work that goes into making games. We are passionate about making great games here. When you add passion and dedication to a task that requires a great deal of work to begin with you end up with lots of crazy hours. It is a good thing we all love our jobs.

ga (Nov 19, 2003 6:52:04 PM)
I tend to zone commercial and industrial in 6x6 blocks, surrounded on all sides by road. Am I missing out on some buildings by not zoning larger areas (e.g., 6x8)?

MaxisKevin (Nov 19, 2003 6:52:04 PM)
The largest lots for residential, commerical, and industrial are 6x6, so you are not missing out on anything. In fact, I do the same thing when I'm playing.

zzzchristian (Nov 19, 2003 6:52:31 PM)
can we take pictures fomr your website and support it for our website (i don't have 1 sooo just asking)

MaxisLucky (Nov 19, 2003 6:52:31 PM)
There are some pictures in the fansite kit posted on the site. You can use those if you want.

mr_helm03 (Nov 19, 2003 6:52:36 PM)
this is a tip for all the fans, there is a download that i have found at that allows me to get 4 billion dollars a month, if you want to find out where please contact me, alos any maxis person i made a post in the BBS i would like to talk with one of you, and aslo, when i got my first 4 billion i put my city Tax free, my city liked it!

coxfrommaxis (Nov 19, 2003 6:52:36 PM)
That cheat lot appears to be a big hit on the lot exchange.

sc4dude (Nov 19, 2003 6:53:01 PM)
is there a difference between b.a.t . and the lot editor for sc4

DoctorVu (Nov 19, 2003 6:53:01 PM)
Bat will allow you to create buildings and props (models) and the Lot editor will allow you to arrange then on lots and put them in your city.

red3wing (Nov 19, 2003 6:53:38 PM)
Do the Maxis programmers stay in contact with modders from fan sites, ie Simtropolis, SimCity Central, etc, on future upgrades / updates to the game?

MaxisKevin (Nov 19, 2003 6:53:38 PM)

Stash (Nov 19, 2003 6:53:44 PM)
Will there ever be a chat with Will Wright?

MaxisLucky (Nov 19, 2003 6:53:44 PM)

Guest (Nov 19, 2003 6:53:49 PM)
In Rush Hour, do you control where the cars are going? I haven't bought it yet; I have to save up my money! Happy

coxfrommaxis (Nov 19, 2003 6:53:49 PM)
You can drive the cars around where ever you want. You can also choose to accept driving missions. People seem to really like the u-drive it stuff in RushHour

mayorralphaelninja (Nov 19, 2003 6:55:11 PM)
With the first L.E. release, did your fans influence your decision to release a Lot Editor or was this always in your plans for marketing?

coxfrommaxis (Nov 19, 2003 6:55:12 PM)
We always want to release tools that let people customize their game. The lot editor is something we used to build the game and the fans desires for customization made the release of the lot editor an easy choice. I hope you like it.

Guest (Nov 19, 2003 6:55:18 PM)
On the You Can Throw Money At It mission I have held down the space bar by the highlighted building for a long time but I still cant win the mission am I doing something wrong?

DoctorVu (Nov 19, 2003 6:55:18 PM)
How far are you from the strikers and the building? Try getting closer and holding down the throw money space bar key for three to five seconds.

red3wing (Nov 19, 2003 6:55:41 PM)
How do players get their input into what to add into a game. Hundreds of "wish" lists were made, yet we have seen features that no one asked for. Why?

MaxisKevin (Nov 19, 2003 6:55:41 PM)
We read the wish list threads all the time and they are hugely helpful. But we can't rely on those exclusively. There are often features that people who aren't active on BBS's want. Plus there's stuff that we want (we all play the heck out of SimCity too ).

smaster999 (Nov 19, 2003 6:56:04 PM)
Was there anything that you wanted in the game but didn't get in?

coxfrommaxis (Nov 19, 2003 6:56:04 PM)
Everybody has a list of things they would love include in the game but there is never enough time to do it all. That is always one of the toughest parts of game development.

MaxisKitty (Nov 19, 2003 6:56:42 PM)
Five more minutes left

mayorralphaelninja (Nov 19, 2003 6:57:16 PM)
We know about BAT, L.E., can you not tease us about what else that may be forthcoming in the future?

coxfrommaxis (Nov 19, 2003 6:57:16 PM)
OK. No teasing. AS part of bat we will be releaing a plugin manager. This tool will let you assign game properties to the models you make in bat.

Rogue18 (Nov 19, 2003 6:57:28 PM)
Do you guys love playing the sims as well?

DoctorVu (Nov 19, 2003 6:57:28 PM)
I love playing both games. One of the reason is that these games allow you to do anything you like. You can keep playing and setting your own goals, rather than move too fast or too slow, you have complete control over the pace and any activity you like doing.

Dereks Allsims (Nov 19, 2003 6:57:32 PM)
DId any of you ever work on any other games than Sim City?

MaxisKevin (Nov 19, 2003 6:57:32 PM)
Yup, I've worked on the Sims, John Madden Football, NHL Hockey, Bill Walsh College Football, and a few others.

Guest (Nov 19, 2003 6:58:07 PM)
Does Dr. Vu look like the real DoctorVu?

DoctorVu (Nov 19, 2003 6:58:07 PM)
The real DoctorVu does not have a goatee.

jakeweaver (Nov 19, 2003 6:58:16 PM)
What was your favorite part of making Simcity 4?

coxfrommaxis (Nov 19, 2003 6:58:17 PM)
Chats like this and getting positive feedback from the fans.

Guest (Nov 19, 2003 6:59:15 PM)
Are there still newspapers that pop up, and things that you can do like raise or lower taxes?

MaxisKevin (Nov 19, 2003 6:59:15 PM)
There's now a news ticker that provides critical info and goofy fun stuff, and taxes for all the different types of development of the city that you can adjust individually.

dkefman (Nov 19, 2003 6:59:20 PM)
Plugin manager ? So this will enable you to mod lots like the ilive Reader ?

coxfrommaxis (Nov 19, 2003 6:59:20 PM)
Yes. It is a very similar concept.

Dippit (Nov 19, 2003 6:59:32 PM)
when will sim city 4 deluxe be released in australia and New Zealand? My friend wants to buy it so bad...

DoctorVu (Nov 19, 2003 6:59:32 PM)
Simcity 4 deluxe will be release in Australia. Tell your friend to hold tight. I believe it is set for early next year.

Guest (Nov 19, 2003 6:59:39 PM)
Whats the biggest city you can have?

MaxisKevin (Nov 19, 2003 6:59:39 PM)
My personal best is about 2 million.

Stash (Nov 19, 2003 7:00:09 PM)
What does Reticulating Splines mean?

coxfrommaxis (Nov 19, 2003 7:00:09 PM)
It means that if your best friend buys you socks don't where them.

SIMpleton (Nov 19, 2003 7:00:15 PM)
What is it like trying to sift through the hundreds of questions you get in the chat?

MaxisKitty (Nov 19, 2003 7:00:15 PM)
fun! Especially on the ones where we have 500 guests... its the catch the questions game... like wack a mole

red3wing (Nov 19, 2003 7:00:34 PM)
When you are not playing SimCity, what else do you guys like to do?

coxfrommaxis (Nov 19, 2003 7:00:34 PM)
Hike, ski, ski, ski, hike....

fway (Nov 19, 2003 7:00:56 PM)
Seaports, beaches, ferries and marinas are really tough to place in you city. Any advice on how to place them?

DoctorVu (Nov 19, 2003 7:00:56 PM)
I understand that these can be tough to place. If you have too much trouble, use the god mode terrain editing tools to help flatten the terrain where the water touches. Use Shift - Click on god-mode to reach it if your in City mode.

MaxisKitty (Nov 19, 2003 7:01:54 PM)
Thank you guys for coming! We all had a great time but now it is time to get back to work. =) Check both websites soon for the transcripts for todays event

Dippit (Nov 19, 2003 7:01:58 PM)
have you seen screenshots of cities that people have made? If so, what do you think about the creations?

DoctorVu (Nov 19, 2003 7:01:58 PM)
Some of the cities are better designed than real cities. I am impressed quite a bit when I look at them.

Guest (Nov 19, 2003 7:02:05 PM)
does jerry martin compose other songs aside from the ones that are for SC4 and The Sims?

MaxisKevin (Nov 19, 2003 7:02:05 PM)
Jerry pretty much works exclusively on Maxis titles.

Aeslabelle (Nov 19, 2003 7:02:20 PM)
How many "My Sims" can you have in SimCity4?

MaxisKevin (Nov 19, 2003 7:02:20 PM)
Up to 5

Jqoc (Nov 19, 2003 7:02:20 PM)
DoctorVu, are you really evil? :P

DoctorVu (Nov 19, 2003 7:02:20 PM)
I'm actually not evil. But I play evil in the game. =-)

MayorRybolton (Nov 19, 2003 7:02:35 PM)
Does DoctorVu normally just blurt out things?

DoctorVu (Nov 19, 2003 7:02:35 PM)
Yes, like MUAHAHA!

MaxisLucky (Nov 19, 2003 7:02:45 PM)
Gobble. Gobble.

MaxisKevin (Nov 19, 2003 7:02:49 PM)
Bye everybody. Thanks for such great questions!

coxfrommaxis (Nov 19, 2003 7:02:59 PM)
Thanks everyone for such a fun time. I'm looking forward to more chats in the future and releasing more cool stuff to you all. Bye!

MaxisShorty (Nov 19, 2003 7:02:59 PM)
Goodbye, everyone! Thanks for taking the time to chat with Kevin, Mike and the eeeevilll Dr. Vu!

MaxisKitty (Nov 19, 2003 7:03:16 PM)
bye! *waves*

DoctorVu (Nov 19, 2003 7:03:22 PM)
Thanks for chatting with us guys. We would love to do it again sometime!

donderdag, oktober 2, 2003 - 23:30

Thank You to everyone that showed up at our SimCity chat event. Transcripts will be posted at Check back next week for another chat event.

Go To

Maxis let the insidious Doctor Vu and the nefarious CoxFromMaxis out of their high-security restraints long enough to talk to the Community about SimCity 4, SimCity 4 Deluxe Edition, and the Rush Hour Expansion Pack. What follows is the transcript, right up to when they had to be subdued with cattle prods and returned to their cages.
MaxisKitty (Oct 2, 2003 3:02:02 PM)
Hello and welcome to todays chat with the insidious Dr. Vu and Mike Cox. Today's topic is all things SIm City.

MaxisKitty (Oct 2, 2003 3:03:08 PM)
Dr. Vu is the assistant producer and Mike Cox an associate producer on Sim City

MaxisKitty (Oct 2, 2003 3:03:31 PM)
and now let the chat begin!

Qwertyuiop2k11 (Oct 2, 2003 3:04:09 PM)
Is it possible to prevent those pop ups like when theres a fire or when your running out of money? Because those pop ups are very annoying.

DoctorVu (Oct 2, 2003 3:04:09 PM)
There isn't a way to prevent those pop-ups. The best thing to do is to make sure your fire coverage covers all your lots. If the coverage is good, you should be able to minimize a lot of the pop ups.

Grnday_991 (Oct 2, 2003 3:04:55 PM)
do you think you are ever going to help the modders at SimTropolis on their mods

coxfrommaxis (Oct 2, 2003 3:04:55 PM)
There has been some informal help already. I know some of our engineers and production people have provided information on the boards from time to time. We have been amazed at what all the modders have been able to do on their on.

Poohead_MAX (Oct 2, 2003 3:05:07 PM)
Dr Vu, I have noticed that I get a lot of repeat missions in U-Drive and I seem to have a hard time unlocking some of the more interesting missions listed in the Rush Hour Manual. Are you aware of any cheat codes or ways of removing the restrictions to allow instant access to all missions. ??

DoctorVu (Oct 2, 2003 3:05:07 PM)
To fight against the repeat missions, just click cancel if you see them. They should then not appear for another year or so. Also, check in the manual to find the triggers of all the other missions. This should help you get the harder to get missions.

Qwertyuiop2k11 (Oct 2, 2003 3:05:25 PM)
Why does it take a lot longer in SC4 to get skyscrapers than in SC3000 Unlimted?

coxfrommaxis (Oct 2, 2003 3:05:25 PM)
Not to sound sarcastic but they are different games. The stategies you use for sc3 vs. sc4 are different. The games play differently for many differnent reasons. THe localized effect of buildings in sc4 is something sc3 did not have. The greater details in states of buildings is another difference. How the simulation works and has been tuned is also a change. Getting skyscrapers in sc4 happens on a different scale and timeline due to many of these decisions and differences

jbbry232 (Oct 2, 2003 3:05:48 PM)
Is there an easier way to drive the udriveit! vehicles? It is so hard to get the hang of driving.

DoctorVu (Oct 2, 2003 3:05:48 PM)
Try different zooms and take it slowly. There are hints in the tips section for U-drive it on the website. Also, the keys are mapped in various places, so you can use the number pad to control the vehicles if that suits you better.

dagmgd (Oct 2, 2003 3:06:07 PM)
What issues with RH have been discovered that will be the first to be patched?

coxfrommaxis (Oct 2, 2003 3:06:07 PM)
For the most part we have been real happy with the feedback on the boards. Still, there are some crashes people have been telling us about and we are looking seriously into those issues. If you are crashing feel free to send us your exception reports from this directory My Documents\SimCity 4\Exception Reports Send them to

Gary (Oct 2, 2003 3:06:18 PM)
Does Dr. Vu really hate cats?

DoctorVu (Oct 2, 2003 3:06:18 PM)
Dr. Vu doesn't really hate cats. He's really not evil at all. He just plays evil in the game. Wink

Poohead_MAX (Oct 2, 2003 3:06:43 PM)
Over all Dr Vu I am very pleased with Rush Hour and U-Drive, so let me first say "Job well done!". ... however, I have a pet peeve with one vehicle type. I find that the 'copter's are very difficult to fly. Mainly because of the lack of a vehicle shadow to allow me to determine the hight at which I am flying at. ... Do you have any advice or is this an item that can be revised when Rush Hour goes through it's next update?

DoctorVu (Oct 2, 2003 3:06:43 PM)
When using the copters, try to move slowly at first to get the hang of flying. We tried to get the feel of flying a real helicopter, so the physics for the copters are pretty accurate to how real helicopters move and react. Unfortunately, it can make the learning curve a bit steeper. Try your best to check out the driving panel for the copter, especially the altimeter number indicator to see how far you are above the group. Practice with hovering and don't give up!

Dragons_Revenge (Oct 2, 2003 3:07:18 PM)
Is Dr. Vu supposed to be based on Dr. Evil - from Austin Powers?

DoctorVu (Oct 2, 2003 3:07:18 PM)
Not really based on Austin Powers, but more on the idea of an evil genius mastermind behind the crimes you see in SimCity.

calel (Oct 2, 2003 3:09:17 PM)
what kind of easter eggs can we unlock in rush/deluxe? and how does that happen? can you give an example?

DoctorVu (Oct 2, 2003 3:09:17 PM)
There are some easter eggs in Rush Hour that I have not yet seen on the boards. Maybe I should drop some clues!

Ashcat101 (Oct 2, 2003 3:09:45 PM)
What new things will be in deluxe?

coxfrommaxis (Oct 2, 2003 3:09:45 PM)
Deluxe is just SimCity 4 and Rush Hour combined. We wanted to offer something good for all of you that bought SimCity 4 and also provide a nice way for fans to get both if they had not bought SimCity 4 previously.

Dragons_Revenge (Oct 2, 2003 3:09:51 PM)
What does Dr. Vu do in his spare time?

DoctorVu (Oct 2, 2003 3:09:51 PM)
Dr. Vu is a hard core gamer (funny how I'm speaking in the 3rd person) and loves to try out anything and everything new. Other than that, he is intent on making the best game possible for ya'll to enjoy.

jbbry232 (Oct 2, 2003 3:10:55 PM)
When will the BAT come out?

coxfrommaxis (Oct 2, 2003 3:10:55 PM)
We're stil on track for getting something out by the end of the year.

jbbry232 (Oct 2, 2003 3:11:51 PM)
When will we get the Rush Hour building prop pack for the Lot Editor?

coxfrommaxis (Oct 2, 2003 3:11:51 PM)
That sounds like a good SimDay. Keep an eye out for that one.

Qwertyuiop2k11 (Oct 2, 2003 3:12:08 PM)
I've noticed theres a lack of Landmarks in Sim City 4 compared to Sim City 3000 Unlimted, does Rush Hour include more landmarks and are there Maxis made Landmarks we can download from the SC4 site?

coxfrommaxis (Oct 2, 2003 3:12:08 PM)
There are some new ones with RushHour. Keep an eye out for more landmarks on future SimCity days.

Mr.Peanut (Oct 2, 2003 3:12:11 PM)
Why did the Maxis team choose Dr. Vu as the "villain"?

DoctorVu (Oct 2, 2003 3:12:11 PM)
The SimCity team bestowed the name of the Evil DoctorVu during SimCity 4 core, and it stuck ever since. Since he was already evil, it only made since to make him evil in game too.

Dargor (Oct 2, 2003 3:12:52 PM)
Will Maxis release a new Lot Editor that is compatible with Rush Hour? There are lots of people that can run the programm anymore, all textures have disappeared. Is this issue known yet?

coxfrommaxis (Oct 2, 2003 3:12:52 PM)
We have learned recently that there are a handful of lots that do not work with the lot editor. The toll booth, the cruise ship seaport and a few others will not work. There is special code in those lots that are preventing them from working and we will provide a full list. However, you should be able to see the new textures and all of the new commercial and residential buildings from the european set. To say that lot ed is broken completely with Rush Hour is not quite accurate from what I have seen.

CaitlynSadie (Oct 2, 2003 3:13:07 PM)
In Rush Hour I always get an error when trying to build say a monorail, but it won't tell be why I can't build it. What are some of the common causes of those "not being able to build" errors?

DoctorVu (Oct 2, 2003 3:13:07 PM)
Try to level out your terrain more, it could be that the terrain is unsuitable for building the monorail.

DanielF (Oct 2, 2003 3:15:13 PM)
My computer can barely handle SC4. Does Rush Hour require even more system resources?

coxfrommaxis (Oct 2, 2003 3:15:13 PM)
We certainly added a lot more too Rush Hour but we also spent a great deal of time and effort making it as effecient as possible. I think we did a good job at it. My feeling is that you will be able to run Rush Hour at least as well as you are running SimCity 4.

Guest (Oct 2, 2003 3:16:12 PM)
Normally while I'm playing Sim City, disasters happen rapidly, like every 5 minutes or less. Is there a way to prevent them so my cities don't keep getting wrecked?

coxfrommaxis (Oct 2, 2003 3:16:12 PM)
Other than car accidents and fires all the other disasters in SimCity 4 are under your control. If you are getting lots of fires maybe you need more firestations.

Dargor (Oct 2, 2003 3:16:16 PM)
Dr. Vu, what U-Drive-It mission do you like the most yourself? and why?

DoctorVu (Oct 2, 2003 3:16:16 PM)
I really enjoy the tank missions where you can blow up things and control the finer points of the barrel.

[ dan ] (Oct 2, 2003 3:17:51 PM)
How does the new zoom level work in Rush Hour...wouldnt it be all pixelated since its closer?

coxfrommaxis (Oct 2, 2003 3:17:51 PM)
There is a zoom 6 in Rush Hour. It is a bit more pixelated since we are using the same art as zoom 5 but I think it looks pretty good. The pay off of getting closer in is well worth the minor pixellation. Check it out and let us know what you think.

The_New_Vlad (Oct 2, 2003 3:18:34 PM)
Is there a way that allows us for tunnels to be made under water?

themallard12 (Oct 2, 2003 3:18:47 PM)
Doctor Vu, could you please gives us a hint about (an) easter egg(s) now? Please?

DoctorVu (Oct 2, 2003 3:18:47 PM)
It has something to do with gnomes.

Hayly (Oct 2, 2003 3:19:41 PM)
in preperation for the BAT, it was mentioned to learn gmax, is this because the bat is gmax with a new face, or just based on gmax's functions?

coxfrommaxis (Oct 2, 2003 3:19:41 PM)
gMax will provide the modeling tools needed to make art for SimCity 4. What we are doing is providing the render pipeline and the ability to define the buildings and props that you make in gMax. The result is a very powerful tool and great looking custom art to use with the lot editor and the game.

nyaren (Oct 2, 2003 3:20:06 PM)
I'm having problems connecting one way streets to avenues ... is it just not meant to be?

DoctorVu (Oct 2, 2003 3:20:06 PM)
What type of problems are you having? They should connect as easily as roads and streets. Try to intersect avenues at a T, and not at the ends.

MaxisLucky (Oct 2, 2003 3:21:00 PM)
System Specifications for SimCity 4 Deluxe Edition can be found at:

MaxisLucky (Oct 2, 2003 3:21:29 PM)
System Specifications for SimCity Rush Hour can be found at:

Mr.Peanut (Oct 2, 2003 3:21:52 PM)
Has the Sim City Community affected the way you develop your games?

coxfrommaxis (Oct 2, 2003 3:21:52 PM)
Absolutely! We listen to the fan feedback constantly and try to deliver on what it is you want most. It can be overwhelming at times because if we tried to do all the suggestions the games would never get done. We all feel so lucky to have such an active and vocal community. It trully helps us make better games.

The Sim's Stash (Oct 2, 2003 3:23:12 PM)
What's the deal with maxis and llamas..ever since SC classic I have seen tons of referances. Why llamas?

coxfrommaxis (Oct 2, 2003 3:23:12 PM)
Why not.

Qwertyuiop2k11 (Oct 2, 2003 3:24:29 PM)
Did you guys work on the original Sim Cities?

coxfrommaxis (Oct 2, 2003 3:24:29 PM)
I've been involved with SimCity since SC3k. There are people here at Maxis who go all the way back to classic. Some guy named Will keeps boasting he's been around since the beginning. Wink

Guest (Oct 2, 2003 3:24:32 PM)
What dose Area 5.1 due besides give you money?

DoctorVu (Oct 2, 2003 3:24:33 PM)
Fun vehicles that come with the building and missions that unlock because that building is in your city.

thesiddog (Oct 2, 2003 3:25:48 PM)
Why does my game seem to crash when I don't match the map with the map on the other city? Is that what's causing it to crash? When they're even, my game doesn't crash.

coxfrommaxis (Oct 2, 2003 3:25:48 PM)
That sounds bad. If you are running Rush Hour or deluxe please forward us you exemption report next time you crash. The report can be found here, \\My Documents\SimCity 4\Exception Reports and you can send the files to

billy_bob55 (Oct 2, 2003 3:26:53 PM)
I saw that planes bounce on bridges-buildings and mountains. Why can't we crash?

coxfrommaxis (Oct 2, 2003 3:26:53 PM)
Crashing planes is not something we wanted do in this game.

joe_the_coffee_man (Oct 2, 2003 3:26:54 PM)
Can you tell us about the UFO? Will you be able to abduct or what?

DoctorVu (Oct 2, 2003 3:26:54 PM)
You can control the UFO, shoot lasers, and yes, abduct your inhabitants.

TheSimFan44 (Oct 2, 2003 3:27:41 PM)
Why is it that when it is on the closest zoom, the texture quality drops to like in SimCity 3000? I didn't have that problem with the original SimCity4 (rush hour not installed)

coxfrommaxis (Oct 2, 2003 3:27:41 PM)
In SimCity 4 you didn't have the closest zoom that you have in Rush Hour. We added a zoom 6 in Rush Hour and Deluxe.

Guest (Oct 2, 2003 3:28:06 PM)
Isn't the music from the ice cream truck from Sim City 2000?

DoctorVu (Oct 2, 2003 3:28:06 PM)
Good catch! That's some of the humor and easter eggs that you may find in Rush Hour.

Guest (Oct 2, 2003 3:28:50 PM)
hi i i nned to know because i want to buy simcity deluxe edition but when i buy it online the page say that i have to buy the sim city 4 and then buy the deluxe edition !!?? can you explain me this ??

coxfrommaxis (Oct 2, 2003 3:28:50 PM)
You don't need to have SC4 prior to Deluxe. Deluxe comes with both Rush Hour and SimCity 4. If you have SimCity 4 I would suggest getting Rush Hour to add to it.

hot_devil (Oct 2, 2003 3:29:07 PM)
do you get any of your ideas from your fans? or do you just think them all up yourself??

DoctorVu (Oct 2, 2003 3:29:07 PM)
We come up with a lot of original ideas, but we also love to listen to our fans and try to incorporate those ideas too.

The Sim's Stash (Oct 2, 2003 3:29:09 PM)
how long will this chat be? an hour or untill there are no more questions?

MaxisLucky (Oct 2, 2003 3:29:09 PM)
The chat will run from 3 pm to 4 pm Pacific Time

yoan2003 (Oct 2, 2003 3:29:48 PM)
hey my question is if i have to buy simcity 4 and then buy cimcity4 deluxe edition or everything is inside ( the expansion pack and simcity ) or not please ???

DoctorVu (Oct 2, 2003 3:29:48 PM)
Simcity 4 deluxe will contain both Simcity Core and Rush hour in it.

Elzar760 (Oct 2, 2003 3:30:11 PM)
There seems to be some confusion on posts I've read on other forums. Is the pathfinding engine completely rewritten, or just changed to try and make it more efficient.

coxfrommaxis (Oct 2, 2003 3:30:11 PM)
The real problem is this. The pathfinding does not look at every single trip. If tuned it to do that the game would literally crawl to its knees. There are a lot of trips and it would be very expensive for the cpus to calculate it all. We made decisions to tune it to a happy medium. It is possible to provide a tuning that is much more aggressive but that tuning would not be reccomended for slower machines.

bluebird316 (Oct 2, 2003 3:31:05 PM)
Is there anything in Deluxe that's not in Original + Rush Hour?

coxfrommaxis (Oct 2, 2003 3:31:05 PM)
They are the same.

Guest (Oct 2, 2003 3:31:11 PM)
What can i do to prevent my buildings from getting the burned-down look? It seems like once i reach a population of about 40,000, everything just starts going downhill.

DoctorVu (Oct 2, 2003 3:31:11 PM)
There are so many reasons why this could be happening. Try going through the hint sections on the site or some of the tutorials over at simtroplis.

Catz_1 (Oct 2, 2003 3:32:18 PM)
willl there be a transcript of this chat for later viewing?

MaxisLucky (Oct 2, 2003 3:32:18 PM)
There will be a transcript posted to the site some time after the chat.

Guest (Oct 2, 2003 3:32:42 PM)
Tips on Terraforming?

DoctorVu (Oct 2, 2003 3:32:42 PM)
Here is a tip that I do not think is very obvious to the fans. If you hold shift and press any of the number keys, the size of the terra-forming brush changes!

Poohead_MAX (Oct 2, 2003 3:32:52 PM)
If the Evil Dr Vu becomes America's favorite video game villan is it possible we will see him spin-off into other Games?

coxfrommaxis (Oct 2, 2003 3:32:52 PM)
At the very least we should allow him his on clothing and hairstyling line of products Wink

Guest (Oct 2, 2003 3:33:56 PM)
What are some cool new veicales and what is there abilaty

DoctorVu (Oct 2, 2003 3:33:56 PM)
Tanks, helicopters, UFO, toxic truck, etc!

StacysMom (Oct 2, 2003 3:35:16 PM)
Will you still be able to win awards for being a good mayor?

DoctorVu (Oct 2, 2003 3:35:16 PM)
Yes, you can get all rewards without using U-Drive it and high mayor rating can certainly be in the criteria.

Dragons_Revenge (Oct 2, 2003 3:35:33 PM)
Could they have an Option for a more aggressive pathfinding option...for those of us with a faster system? Or would that be unfeasable?

coxfrommaxis (Oct 2, 2003 3:35:33 PM)
That is possible and it cuts to the core of the issue. The tuning is such that the game will not run at a crawl because every path is being calculated. A more aggressive tuning is feasible.

MaxisLucky (Oct 2, 2003 3:36:28 PM)
If you are not seeing the answers to the questions, please try re-sizing your chat window.

StacysMom (Oct 2, 2003 3:37:33 PM)
Can you now control tornados or other natural disasters?

DoctorVu (Oct 2, 2003 3:37:33 PM)
You can control tornados by holding down the left mouse button when you activate it.

Sk8zim17 (Oct 2, 2003 3:38:35 PM)
will the BAT for SimCity 4 have more potions and items than the Simcity 3000 one did?

coxfrommaxis (Oct 2, 2003 3:38:35 PM)
Oh yeah. It will be built on gmax and will provide full 3d modeling support. Check out the discreet site for a free download of gmax.

broomhilda (Oct 2, 2003 3:39:52 PM)
why is it harder to make money in SC4 than it was in the earlier versions?

coxfrommaxis (Oct 2, 2003 3:39:53 PM)
Are you using Rush Hour? We provided some easier modes of play to help with peoples budget problems. We also have some tutorials on making money in SimCity 4.

tmjkfriend (Oct 2, 2003 3:40:06 PM)
Can we open older city on the new Rush Hour so we can use U-Drive it in the city? Maybe like Maxis made city?

coxfrommaxis (Oct 2, 2003 3:40:06 PM)
Yes you can.

Sk8zim17 (Oct 2, 2003 3:41:03 PM)
How in-depth will creating buildings be with the SC4 BAT? will it be like before, with the blocks that you use?

coxfrommaxis (Oct 2, 2003 3:41:03 PM)
No blocks. The new version will allow for full 3d modeling. IT will be a more diffiecult tool to use perhaps but it will be very powerful.

PatrickG_2 (Oct 2, 2003 3:41:10 PM)
You guys added the Bank of America Tower in Seattle as a landmark but why not the Space Needle?

DoctorVu (Oct 2, 2003 3:41:10 PM)
As you know, there are tons of landmarks all over the world that we would love to do, so we try to pick and choose a wide variety.

red29_11 (Oct 2, 2003 3:42:07 PM)
did you leave the code open on purpose? we have seen people create "modds", was that something you wanted to happen?

coxfrommaxis (Oct 2, 2003 3:42:07 PM)
The modds are typically not modifying the code for simcity. The files they are able to manipulate are more the data files that contain all kinds of tuning and scripts. It is great to see how much they are able to do with these data files.

jbbry232 (Oct 2, 2003 3:42:31 PM)
where'd you maxoids get the inspiration for your screen names?

coxfrommaxis (Oct 2, 2003 3:42:31 PM)
I got mine because my last name is Cox and I work for Maxis.

balrog (Oct 2, 2003 3:43:16 PM)
why can't i do the water training mission even though i know i meet all of the requirments?

DoctorVu (Oct 2, 2003 3:43:16 PM)
If you've completed them before, you will never get them again unless you reinstall the game.

jbbry232 (Oct 2, 2003 3:44:39 PM)
so your saying that the new BAT will be difficult to use, will yall include a step-by-step VERY HELPFUL tutorial?

coxfrommaxis (Oct 2, 2003 3:44:39 PM)
We are going to do what we can to make it accesible to as many people as possible. Step by step will get people started but there is a lot of power with gmax that we don't want to loose. With that power comes complexity. The upside is that we believe there will be better buildings and props made with this tool than anything you ever saw with the original bat.

Guest (Oct 2, 2003 3:44:54 PM)
Is there any new disasters besides crashes,UFO,and AtutosaurasRex

DoctorVu (Oct 2, 2003 3:44:54 PM)
Train derailments, toxic waste spills, boat sinking, etc.

Vancouver_BC (Oct 2, 2003 3:45:21 PM)
Where can we find gnomes in our cities?

DoctorVu (Oct 2, 2003 3:45:21 PM)
It's very secret, keep your eyes open!

Elzar760 (Oct 2, 2003 3:45:48 PM)
still seeing answers to missing questions even after resizing my window

MaxisLucky (Oct 2, 2003 3:45:48 PM)
You might try logging out and logging back in.

Guest (Oct 2, 2003 3:46:02 PM)
What's your favorite part of Rush Hour?

DoctorVu (Oct 2, 2003 3:46:02 PM)
I love everything from U-Drive it to the new building set, bridges, and new networks along with disasters. It's all so much fun to play with.

dagmgd (Oct 2, 2003 3:47:37 PM)
Are there legal issues to using certain landmarks?

coxfrommaxis (Oct 2, 2003 3:47:37 PM)
Oh yeah. There are tons of issues with landmarks depending upon where the landmark is. For example, all the cool buildings in France are protected by the government as cultural artifacts and using them usually means we have to jump through lots of legal hoops. Another example would be the famous casinos in Vegas. All of those are owned by corporations and are treated and trademarks. We would have to pay a lot of money to use something like the Luxor or the MGM Grand. We love doing the landmarks but it is always a big legal job before we can actually start making something.

The Sim's Stash (Oct 2, 2003 3:48:05 PM)
Why hasn't the big spider like alien with a big eye from SC2K been bronght back in SC3K or SC4?

DoctorVu (Oct 2, 2003 3:48:05 PM)
That sounds like something that would be really fun to do.

billy_bob55 (Oct 2, 2003 3:48:11 PM)
is there a prima guide for Rush hour?

coxfrommaxis (Oct 2, 2003 3:48:11 PM)
Yes there is. The writer of the guide spent a lot of time with us here at Maxis so all the inside scoops can be found there.

MaxisShorty (Oct 2, 2003 3:48:52 PM)
There is a Prima Guide available right now, and in fact, we offer a downloadable excerpt on our site.

The_New_Vlad (Oct 2, 2003 3:49:46 PM)
What is GMAX?

coxfrommaxis (Oct 2, 2003 3:49:46 PM)
gMax is a watered down version of 3dStudio Max and both are 3d modeling tools. gMAx can be downloaded for free from the Discreet web site.

slimy rhyme (Oct 2, 2003 3:49:56 PM)
so, uh, is this chat still going on?

MaxisLucky (Oct 2, 2003 3:49:56 PM)
Yes - for another 10 minutes!

Guest (Oct 2, 2003 3:50:43 PM)
Why was there such a drop in the amount of maxis cities that shipped with the game? I really liked your cities!

DoctorVu (Oct 2, 2003 3:50:44 PM)
I know that space was an issue. Hopefully, we can give users downloadable cities and regions that we created.

jbbry232 (Oct 2, 2003 3:51:11 PM)
could you give us a link to GMAX if possible

coxfrommaxis (Oct 2, 2003 3:51:11 PM)
Just do a search on discreet and gmax. You will find it. I don't have the link on hand.

Poohead_MAX (Oct 2, 2003 3:51:31 PM)
Is it possible in future releases of SimCity to include a "SandBox" mode for those of us who don't want to worry about budgets and just built a beautiful city?

DoctorVu (Oct 2, 2003 3:51:31 PM)
Some of the lot and mods from the exchange give users a lot of money so that they can essentially play as though in Sand Box mode.

Alrowan (Oct 2, 2003 3:51:39 PM)
when will the log be available?

MaxisKitty (Oct 2, 2003 3:51:39 PM)
It will be posted on the SimCity site sometimes after the event

MaxisKitty (Oct 2, 2003 3:52:12 PM)
We have about ten minutes left, please send in your best questions now

Dragons_Revenge (Oct 2, 2003 3:52:19 PM)
Are there any plans for a Rush Hour/SC4 Deluxe City best city competition\, like that was had for SC4 core?

DoctorVu (Oct 2, 2003 3:52:19 PM)
That would be something incredibly fun to do since the new networks and building styles can be used to make very unique cities!

The_New_Vlad (Oct 2, 2003 3:52:48 PM)
Is it possible that Maxis will put a City Exchange on the website?

MaxisLucky (Oct 2, 2003 3:52:48 PM)
Anything is possible. Happy

The Stash Master (Oct 2, 2003 3:52:51 PM)
Can I buy a copy of SimCity Classic that works with Windows XP? I bought the game in the 80's when it came out, and I play the game at, but I want an offline version I can play on XP? My old disks don't work on XP.

MaxisShorty (Oct 2, 2003 3:52:51 PM)
You can find SimCity Classic available for play on the SimCity website!

The_New_Vlad (Oct 2, 2003 3:53:01 PM)
Is it a challenge to put landmarks in the game?

DoctorVu (Oct 2, 2003 3:53:01 PM)
They tend to cost a lot of money so the challenge is there, but they do give a yimby effect.

Guest (Oct 2, 2003 3:53:13 PM)

coxfrommaxis (Oct 2, 2003 3:53:13 PM)
Rush Hour is an amazing expansion pack for Simcity 4. It gives you a whole new set of European buildings, a bunch of new bridges and networks, new disasters and U-Drive-It missions that allow you to drive , fly and float around you city. Go get it now! It is fun and there is even more in it that I just typed. But, don't take my word for it. Check out the BBS to see what others are saying.

gamegirl815 (Oct 2, 2003 3:53:54 PM)
dr vu, what is your real name?

DoctorVu (Oct 2, 2003 3:53:54 PM)
You can find it on the box, guess who it is with the last name "Vu".

The Stash Master (Oct 2, 2003 3:55:25 PM)
Why have you not talked about the SC2K release for GBA on the is being released in 12 days!!!!

MaxisLucky (Oct 2, 2003 3:55:25 PM)
Maxis is not involved with the SC2K GBA version. That is being produced by another company.

billy_bob55 (Oct 2, 2003 3:55:46 PM)
why can we throw money by the window on the limocar?

DoctorVu (Oct 2, 2003 3:55:46 PM)
There is a mission that uses the money. Plus anywhere you used the money will give you mayor rating and desirability boosts at those locations.

jbbry232 (Oct 2, 2003 3:55:48 PM)
if a sc4 player manages to recreate a building like lets say Luxor, would that be bad or illegal if he were to post it in some sort of building exchange?

coxfrommaxis (Oct 2, 2003 3:55:48 PM)
That would not be bad because you are not selling it.

Catz_1 (Oct 2, 2003 3:56:27 PM)
why do boats sometimes start inside the marina, is this a bug, if so, a very annoying one

DoctorVu (Oct 2, 2003 3:56:27 PM)
Try placing the marina in a different location. If it still occurs, it may be a bug.

gamegirl815 (Oct 2, 2003 3:56:34 PM)
what is 3d studio max?

coxfrommaxis (Oct 2, 2003 3:56:34 PM)
That is a 3d modeling program that we use to make all of the buildings and props in SimCity. Autodesk makes the application.

Catz_1 (Oct 2, 2003 3:57:54 PM)
any other hint's that you wanna share? :P

DoctorVu (Oct 2, 2003 3:57:54 PM)
I would but it would eliminate the fun of finding the easter eggs.

billy_bob55 (Oct 2, 2003 3:58:34 PM)
Thanks for maxis for that chat

coxfrommaxis (Oct 2, 2003 3:58:34 PM)
Thanks for noticing. The orchestral stuff is very exciting for us as well. I'll be sure and let the composers know how much you like it.

Guest (Oct 2, 2003 3:58:44 PM)
What do you prefer to make: Large cities or country cities?

DoctorVu (Oct 2, 2003 3:58:44 PM)
I like making cities that are between 100-120 thousand inhabitants.

The_New_Vlad (Oct 2, 2003 3:59:42 PM)
Is there a way that we can obtain this 3D studio max modeling program and make some buildings of our own?

coxfrommaxis (Oct 2, 2003 3:59:42 PM)
You can get gmax for free from Discreet. Gmax is a watered down version of 3dsMax. You can buy 3dsMax from Autodesk but it is very expensive and gMax is what you will want to be familiar with for SimCity 4.

billy_bob55 (Oct 2, 2003 4:00:49 PM)
so, as i understand, if you give us downloadable free landmarks, it's legal?

coxfrommaxis (Oct 2, 2003 4:00:49 PM)
It doen't necessarily work that way all the time. Every landmark deal has the potential to be it's own unique problem.

StacysMom (Oct 2, 2003 4:01:30 PM)
I'm really thinking of buying the game now, because of this chat. Could someone maybe give me some more information before I buy the game?

DoctorVu (Oct 2, 2003 4:01:30 PM)
This game is a blast to play and it will bring out the creative city building spirit in you.

MaxisLucky (Oct 2, 2003 4:01:50 PM)
We're running out of time. We'll be taking just a couple more questions.

gamegirl815 (Oct 2, 2003 4:02:24 PM)
is the deluxe version out yet?

coxfrommaxis (Oct 2, 2003 4:02:24 PM)
In the United States Deluxe has shipped already and so has Rush Hour. The rest of the world has Rush Hour and some have Deluxe but some territories are doing Deluxe on a different schedule.

MaxisKitty (Oct 2, 2003 4:03:00 PM)
Thank you all for coming to the chat, it is now four pm here in Maxis Land and sadly our guests Dr. Vu and Mike Cox need to get back to doing work... and check for the transcript on the SimCity site later!

Dragons_Revenge (Oct 2, 2003 4:03:22 PM)
Aren't the building rewards for completing UDriveIT missions a little overboard sometimes, for instance, having a small landing stip can get you a Major League Stadium with a town of only about 13,000 people?

DoctorVu (Oct 2, 2003 4:03:22 PM)
That's the beauty of it, you can get great things early, but can you afford to keep them. That's the real question.

coxfrommaxis (Oct 2, 2003 4:03:23 PM)
Thank you everyone. You really make creating games very rewarding for us. Group hug everyone. Bye!

DoctorVu (Oct 2, 2003 4:04:29 PM)
Thanks everyone one for coming and chating with us! Great questions and I would love to speak with ya'll again!

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Reinventing the Sims

Will Wright hopes to erase some bad memories with a new version of the best-selling computer game

By Chris Taylor

In the beginning—that is, in 1989—Will Wright created Sim City. And it was good. Millions of PC owners got hooked on the game's godlike powers that let players create a town, fill it with enough parks and police stations to please an unseen population, and watch the town grow. Then in 2000 Wright said, "Let there be life." And he created The Sims, which let players micromanage the lives, loves and careers of adorable little people (called "Sims") who lived in homes reminiscent of the Cleavers' in the simpler era of black-and-white television. The Sims shipped 8 million copies, becoming the best-selling computer game of all time. For Wright, it was all very good.

As the 21st century dawned, Wright reigned as the undisputed deity of the PC-game world. That is, until his next big thing: The Sims Online, in which players from all over the world let their little people roam and mingle in a vast virtual environment. It sounded like the Garden of Eden. And lo, it was a boring, poorly populated bomb. Gamers suddenly realized that Wright was not infallible after all.

So what's next for this unflappable 43-year-old geek whose brain seems to overflow with ideas? Since The Sims Online debacle, he has been back at his virtual drawing board, sketching out a new breed of Sims. They look cooler, sound clearer and inhabit homes that are less Leave It to Beaver and more Queer Eye for the Straight Guy. Most audacious of all, they have real lives: they are born, they grow up, give birth and die. Legions of fans await the result, The Sims 2, due for release in February. Will it be a return case of divine inspiration—or will Wright slip again? His reputation rests on the outcome—as does the computer-game industry's best hope for the mainstream recognition it craves.

Wright is a gaunt, wiry figure with large glasses and a perpetual ironic smirk. His wardrobe seems to consist pretty much of gray shirts and black jeans. He is soft-spoken and reserved, with a playfulness just beneath the surface. At this year's Electronic Entertainment Expo in Los Angeles, the biggest date on the computer-game industry's calendar, Wright casually slipped reporters near worthless Argentine banknotes as a surreal bribe. In his office at Maxis, his Walnut Creek, Calif., company, he is a nervy, perpetual-motion machine, methodically pulling apart glow-in-the-dark Silly Putty or constructing towers out of magnetic plastic toys.

Wright, in other words, is obsessed with creating things. As a child in Atlanta, that meant balsa-wood planes and train sets. When he discovered computers, it meant digital cities. These days it often means building battle robots with his 17-year-old daughter or inventing a special set of toy building blocks, which he calls Architex, that can be used to design houses. Indeed, it is his love for architecture that has led Wright to his greatest success. When the Sims germinated in his mind, it was like a virtual version of Architex. You built a home, then computer people called Sims moved in and told you whether they liked it or not. The original game was called Doll House, and teenage boys in a focus group rated it the worst idea they had ever heard.

But Wright persisted. Eventually The Sims became less of an afterthought to house building and more the focus of the game itself. Soon each Sim had a realistic set of needs represented by bars on the screen that turned from green to red. When a Sim registered as hungry, for example, it was time to point him toward the fridge (assuming you had bought him one).

The objective was to keep the Sims' needs fulfilled so they could get promotions and raises when they went to work or buy more stuff to meet their needs faster. Like a lot of Wright's work, it was all very tongue in cheek. The Sims were caricatures who never aged (neither did their children, who arrived as if by stork). The products you bought for them got ever more expensive and outrageous (like the Love-o-matic vibrating bed), and the chirpy 1950s movie music enhanced the Cleavers feel. Somehow it all worked.

Players found it easy to invest their imagination in the Sims' lives, with their carefully constructed needs, personalities and relationships. After the game was released, more than 1,000 fan websites sprang up in which players posted screen shots from their Sims' world. After the runaway success of the original, Wright supplied ever more storytelling tools. Six expansion sets—the Sims have pets! the Sims go on hot dates!—sold 6.8 million copies. (The seventh and final expansion, Makin' Magic, is to be released this Halloween.)

The stumble that was The Sims Online happened in late 2001. It was an Internet-based Sims world in which the storytelling was supposed to come from the interactions among players. It didn't gel. Fewer than 100,000 subscribers signed up to pay $10 a month for the service, far fewer than Maxis' hopes. Making your Sims mingle as if at a global cocktail party was, it turned out, not as addictive as trying to win them a promotion or building them a new bathroom. "The Sims Online was a wildly optimistic view of people providing their own entertainment," says Dan Morris, executive editor of PC Gamer magazine. "They needed a game with a well-defined narrative, not just a sandbox." Wright had effectively abdicated responsibility for the parameters of possible storytelling. The Sims is Wright's world; we just play in it.

For The Sims 2, Wright has learned his lesson—and then some. The narrative arc of the game has gone epic. Whereas the original Sims were as timeless as cartoon characters, their successors go through five distinct ages, from baby to senior—not quite the full Shakespearean seven but close enough. You used to have to try quite hard to kill Sims; now old age will get them in the end. The Sims 2 revolves around Big Life Moments that will positively or negatively affect each Sim's final score when he or she dies: successful potty training, the first kiss, the death of a parent, marriage, divorce. What was formerly a slice of family life becomes a tale of generations—or, as Wright puts it, more like a James Michener novel.

The richness of potential plot lines is matched by the Sims' sumptuous new look. The game's graphics, especially the lighting and the characters' facial features, are way ahead of what was possible in 2000. Everything from the size of your Sim's feet to hair accessories will be customizable. Wright found that a lot of players wanted to turn their Sims into virtual copies of their families and friends. Not only will that be possible, but also at the click of a button you will be able to see a random selection of children that any two Sims' genetic traits might produce.

All this is a long way from the virtual dollhouse Wright originally had in mind. What nobody in the industry can say for now is whether he has strayed too far. The casual gamers who fell in love with The Sims included many youngsters who became aware for the first time of what it was like to be in charge of little people who wouldn't stop watching TV and go to bed. Will those same players really care to see their Sims grow old and die? Will the enhanced realism of diaper changing gross them out?

The answers matter to the computer-game industry, which needs more hits of this kind if it is ever going to widen its appeal beyond the 3 million hard-core gamers (mostly men in their teens and 20s) who typically buy a game a month. As with The Sims Online, expectations are high: this is a business in which sequels often do better than the original. (Wright has one other game in the works—which he isn't able to talk about—tentatively titled SimEverything, in which players start out by bonding molecules and end up building galactic civilizations.) "The Sims is a dream franchise for people who want to see the medium grow," says Morris. We'll find out soon enough. And if it doesn't work out—well, Wright can always try releasing Architex.

donderdag, augustus 28, 2003 - 23:20

Maxis wants Bay Area fans of The Sims for a top-secret project. We'll divulge what we can, but if we told you any more we'd have to kill you.

For Your Eyes Only

Outsize San Francisco Bay Area Personalities Wanted

Do you live in or around the San Francisco Bay Area? Do you have great stories to tell about your Sims? Can you be succinct and ever-so-witty in front of a live camera? If you answered yes to these questions, then Maxis wants to hear from you.

We’re working on a super-secret project for The Sims 2 in the very near future, and we may need your help. Please send an email to explain, in 100 words or less, why you love The Sims, or recount your favorite moments from playing The Sims.

Please be sure to include your user-name, real name (optional), e-mail address, day-time location and a phone number where you can be reached during weekday business hours. In addition, please let us know if you speak a foreign language.

People will be selected as we receive their submissions, so if you live in the Bay Area and have the inclination, please be sure to submit your stories absolutely no later than 12AM PST Sunday, August 31th.

Please send an email to

donderdag, augustus 28, 2003 - 23:00

It’s 3 AM. You’re leaving work. It’s dark. Two figures emerge from the shadows. They approach. What do you do?

Read more below!

When Hardcore Fans and Overworked Testers Collide...

Lead Tester John Cook and fellow Tester Kip Katsarelis had been laboring long into the wee hours of Saturday morning, when they finally decided to succumb to their own circadian rhythms and go home for as much sleep as they could spare. On the way to their cars, they were stopped by two shadowy figures, and... asked for a tour of the office! It seems that a husband and wife team from Kansas City had scheduled some time to swing by Maxis on their trip to California. Perhaps they’re well versed in the working and sleeping habits of game developers. Maybe they were either incredibly behind (or ahead of) schedule. Whatever the case may be, they felt an impromptu late, late, late-night visit was in order. We’re sad to report that the glorious inner workings of Maxis remain a mystery to them, although their sunny Midwestern charm bought them a few snapshots under the company logo and their signatures now grace the official Maxis Guest Book.

Although we heartily appreciate their rabid devotion to The Sims, they might have had better luck if they had tried to gain access to the building during normal business hours. Or at the very least, during daylight hours.

donderdag, juli 17, 2003 - 23:00

Last week was Camp EA and Press from all over the world were invited to EA to preview our latest games. Here are some previews of The Sims GBA, Makin' Magic, and Rush Hour.

Makin' Magic

The Sims - Bustin' Out
PlayStation - GameCube - XBox

The Sims - Bustin' Out
Game Boy Advanced

donderdag, juli 17, 2003 - 23:00

Last week was Camp EA and Press from all over the world were invited to EA to preview our latest games. Here are some previews of The Sims GBA, Makin' Magic, and Rush Hour.

Makin' Magic

The Sims - Bustin' Out
PlayStation - GameCube - XBox

The Sims - Bustin' Out
Game Boy Advanced

dinsdag, mei 27, 2003 - 23:00

Afgelopen koninginnedag heeft EA Games allerlei kroontjes uitgedeeld voor de Sims fans, wij hebben de foto's verzameld!

Door het dragen van een kroontje maakte je kans op o.a. een Xbox spelsysteem van Microsoft en alle uitbreidingen van The Sims.

Met de prijswinnaars is inmiddels contact opgenomen en we wensen hun dan ook hartelijk welkom op het forum. Hier is een overzicht van de binnengekomen foto's.

The Sims on Queensday The Sims on Queensday The Sims on Queensday The Sims on Queensday The Sims on Queensday The Sims on Queensday The Sims on Queensday The Sims on Queensday The Sims on Queensday The Sims on Queensday The Sims on Queensday The Sims on Queensday The Sims on Queensday The Sims on Queensday The Sims on Queensday The Sims on Queensday The Sims on Queensday The Sims on Queensday The Sims on Queensday The Sims on Queensday The Sims on Queensday The Sims on Queensday The Sims on Queensday The Sims on Queensday The Sims on Queensday The Sims on Queensday The Sims on Queensday The Sims on Queensday The Sims on Queensday The Sims on Queensday The Sims on Queensday The Sims on Queensday The Sims on Queensday
The Sims on Queensday The Sims on Queensday The Sims on Queensday The Sims on Queensday The Sims on Queensday The Sims on Queensday The Sims on Queensday The Sims on Queensday The Sims on Queensday The Sims on Queensday
donderdag, mei 15, 2003 - 23:00

EA Games zal op woensdag 28 mei een uniek event organiseren: de Sims Awards. Hiervoor hebben we jouw stem nodig!

Speciaal voor alle Belgische Sims-fans hebben wij dit exclusieve event georganiseerd. Wat je moet doen?

Laat ons weten wie de SIMpathiekste filmster, popster en fotomodel moet worden! Ga naar en laat ons weten wie met de prijs naar huis moet gaan!

Wat jij kunt winnen? Speciaal voor de echte fans hebben we 150 duo-tickets beschikbaar gesteld zodat jij ook bij de prijsuitreiking in Brussel kunt zijn en waar je misschien wel kans maakt om juist jou favoriete Belg te ontmoeten!

Waan je een superster, laat ons je stem horen en misschien dat we je terugzien de 28e in Brussel!


