
SimCity 3000 - Nieuws

Kleine opmerking: Ik ben op het moment druk aan het werk aan de nieuwe site. Ik wil de site echter niet helemaal offline halen, dus je kunt alles nog gewoon bekijken. Maar de werkzaamheden kunnen er wel voor zorgen dat sommige pagina's er een beetje raar uitzien. Het zal niet heel lang meer duren. Happy

Just a reminder that you have one week left to create a home good enough for a Princess. What kind of homes do Princess' have? Well..that is for you to decide!

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Think you can design a home that is good enough for a Fairy Princess to live in? Everyone knows that Fairy Princess' are very picky! So click the link if you think you are worthy!

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It has been a while since we last featured a landmark download, but the stars have smiled on us and after spending some time in temple, we have brought you this wonderful Thai landmark for your city.

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We would like to thank everyone that entered the latest building contest! The judges have made their decisions and we have posted the results Contest Winners area.

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More summer fun is in store for your Sims! Make sure they have access to some of the best looking stadiums around!

Go To Best Of The Web

We would like to thank everyone that entered the No Pro's Building Contest. The judges will be reviewing all entries very soon and the winners will be posted next week.

Just a quick reminder that you have one week left to submit your entry to the No Pro's Building Contest.

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This contest is for the newbies! There will be no 'Hall Of Fame' winners or past contest winners allowed in this contest. What's the theme? Well click the link below and you'll find out!

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Just in time for summer, Best Of The Web presents your Sim's with a fine selection of summer parks. Fountains, ponds, trees, benches, cool grass, and dinosaur bones are all included in this ralaxing summer package.

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This is the 2nd installment of Best Of The Web featuring Hall Of Fame users. This download features 10 buildings of different styles and types created by fans using Building Architect Plus which is available for free in the 'Downloads' area. We hope you enjoy these new buildings and make sure you look around the Building Exchange for more user made jewels for your cities.

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